more information... Re: orthophosphoric acid by unyquity ..... Ask Dr. Sutter
Date: 4/3/2008 8:02:47 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 11,170
I understand more now - thanks for explaining.
One of my "Number #1" rules for research is from the Bible:
>>>>>Test EVERYTHING - Keep That Which Is Good!<<<<<<
No ONE healer knows it all.
For example: Dr. Schulze & Christopher (and others) didn't use Epsom Salts, or Ozone, or H202, or coffee enemas, or high doses of Vitamin C (or anything 'chemical' at all) and insisted on a strict vegan diet and/or juice fasting - without any grains (at least for the healing process) and they hit the diet, organ cleansing & restoring (& things like cayenne & garlic) HARD & FAST. And they healed TENS of thousands of people from terminal diseases...many within a few weeks. **FLOW** without adequate flow throughout the bloodstream & organs, the body simply cannot heal itself.
Andreas is Ayurvedic - he believes in the 3 body types and that one should eat/live for their type, does everything 'softly & slowly' (and would never recommend some of the things that Christopher/Schulze proved to be effective...i.e. fiber colon cleanses & cathartic herbs to speed along the *flow* and cleansing) and he's healed thousands. And like we know, he's very 'safe' about his liver flushing protocol and finds it very important to make sure all the toxic bile/debris is OUT of the body immediately after flushing.
(Schulze/Christopher/Kelley made sure their patients were having at least 2-3 bowel movements daily either before or during their liver flushing. I don't think Gerson's protocol had a 'colon' regime as such, but since he had folks doing 1-4 coffee enemas daily, he had that pretty much covered).
Dr. Kelley believed in metabolic typing for diet, juicing, pancreatic enzymes, heavy on the liver/colon cleansing, Epsom Salts & coffee enemas. Gerson is basically juice fasting, vegan diet, coffee enemas (NO epsom salts) & high potassium/low sodium.
Clark (and Doc Sutter, and others) are big on parasite killing right off the bat; others say that flow throughout the organs must be achieved BEFORE one starts killing off the critters (because the critter carcasses are toxic and worsen clogs & symptoms making it even more difficult to cleanse and get 'flow')...but Clark's regime has healed thousands.
Those healers (in the past) that successfully cured the diseases of thousands of patients directly (breaking the law and putting their life & freedom at risk) have a huge knowledge bank of information and clinical experience that most current healers & 'health gurus' will/can NEVER amass. (I can't emphasis *experience* enough!). They didn't have the internet or a way to 'network' with their fellow healers like we do now. They had dying people 100% relying upon them for their very LIFE. They knew what worked and they did it...without being able to 'share & compare' the research, and without 'modern science'.
(Side note regarding *experience* -- When patients were at Dr. Kelley's underground clinic, they were grouped in pairs...and each person was responsible for notifying a nurse when the other had anything come out of their body. For example, after each liver flush (or coffee enema that yielded 'debris), the stones and debris were gathered, and Dr. Kelley had each patient cut the larger stones in half and examine them under a microscope (with the supervision of a trained clinician or nurse)...both so the patients could see/understand what was coming out of them and how their body worked, and so that he would have the data recorded for his further understanding, research and files. Many stones did have parasite parts/eggs at their core, many had no discernable anything at their core, other than what was laboratory tested to be micro-particles of bile derivatives...what we refer to as 'sludge' or 'chaff'. 'Tis this type of research done on thousands of patients that simply cannot be replicated without loss of life/freedom. Many of these great healers had this invaluable research destroyed by the Powers That Be when their clinics/homes were raided and they were arrested. Our minimal personal experiences cannot compare, nor can they come close to
What we have now is the HUGEST blessing that is possible - we can read their life works (even if they are missing some of the 'research data' on which their protocols were formed & based), learn all the 'hows & whys' they felt made their protocols so successful, critically examine each methodology for it's potential flaws... and apply our conclusions to our own health.
There's never been a time or place on earth where such immense amounts of data have been available for our OWN individual research and knowledge. But STILL we depend on others to do our thinking for us.
And oh yes, the difference in "styles" and personalities is indescribably vast. Compare Schulze & Moritz and the difference is cavernous!! Schulze with his 'in your face', ass-kicking "get the wimp out now and just DO IT!!!" style, in relation to Andreas's 'go slowly', know the risks of everything and possible complications, and emphasis on the spiritual...well, they're as different as sugar & salt. BUT, if I (or any one I advise) gets into trouble, Andreas's writings is one of the first places I'll look for possible reasons. AND if someone is scared or timid, I'll pull out a Schulze quote and get them right back on track.
Personally, "Schulze" is just the motivation and personality *I* need. However, my cousin/RN (and her husband/pharmacist) wouldn't even CONSIDER liver flushing until they bought Andreas's book and read it (no matter HOW much information and research I provided them from other sources). Yep, it's gonna take her *forever* to get around to doing it "just right", but at least she's gonna do it. Me? I'm all about just getting it done.
Back to your post/issues:
Regarding the "pump thing", we each have a right to our own knowledge & opinions. I believe (and know) that anything that has the ability to pump solution all the way to the end of the colon by just putting a few inches of tubing into the rectum is dangerous. Any professional hydro/colonic therapist (that isn't half-cracked) would agree. Flexible tubing needs to be GENTLY worked around all the curves and the water allowed to flow naturally (this allows for gentle expansion of the colon for the diameter and elasticity of each individual). Anything that will force solution past all those turns with water pressure carries the potential for great harm. Millions of people over the centuries have successfully used enemas & colonics for cleansing, healing and implanting of vital healing substances (that can be far more readily absorbed through the colon than going through the entire process of digestion), and many times when there's cancer, tumors or diverticulitis, this gentle cleansing and implants that go directly to the turmor or problem is essential. But solution should never be "pressurized" in ANY way...and enough pressure to force the solution past all the curves is too much pressure.
Why don't *I* do high enemas after liver flushing? I already have good flow and a thoroughly cleansed colon. I have 2-3 bowel movements daily (more on the days after a liver flush or coffee enemas, because the increased bile creates more peristalsis) and I ave a consistent transit time (average) of 6-8 hours. I drink WELL over a gallon of pure water daily - my organs and digestive tract are fully hydrated and I am clog free. I've followed ALL my liver flushes with an afternoon/evening 4 cup coffee enema. Only one time did I ever get out any debris or stones with the enema. When you add 'all the above' AND the fact that I take -at least- the morning ES dose, there's just no way there's going to be any sludgy stale toxic bile in me to reabsorb by the end of the afternoon.
On the other hand, my husband has a difficult time remembering/wanting to drink even a minimal amount of water; he generally has 1, maybe 2 bms daily; he doesn't do very many coffee enemas (a couple-three a month) and his liver is very toxic & congested. There have been two flushes when he actually 'flushed out' a thrombosed hemorrhoid (an INCREDIBLY painful external hemorrhoid that takes days to resolve) which is caused by blockage in/of the portal vein. His last liver flush ended in both a hemorrhoid AND (after having the knowledge in Andreas's book) what we now clearly see/know as a weakened state made even worse by highly toxic bile/debris/stones/sludge that didn't get out and reasborbed. How do we know? The day after his flush he started to come down with a 'bug' (and strangely, it came on REALLY fast). But hey, that's no problem for us "oldbies", we hit it with two full droppers of echinacea tincture and a handful of Vitamin C (that's worked successfully for us for over SEVEN years). The next morning (expecting to be fine), he still felt feverish & scratchy (VERY unusual). But no problem, we'll just 'hit it again'...and although he didn't worsen, he didn't get better. Over the next two days he ingested 1/2 a bottle of Vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, AND 1/4 of a two ounce bottle of echinacea tincture (HIGH caliber). We were able to 'keep it at bay' (and save our "7 year record" but his body was obviously weakened, toxic and not responding as it had in past years.
I can't BEGIN to tell you how many people I've coached through their first few liver flushes that have ended up 'with a bug' less than a few days after the flush (or several days of 'brain fog', weakness, lethargy/exhaustion, headaches and various 'skin eruptions)...and after reading Andreas's book, it now makes total sense. In the past, I'd always attributed it to either the "liver is the seat of emotions" thing, OR the typical "when we cleanse it's like peeling off layers of onion & we have returning symptoms"...and either of those things CAN be a factor. But neither of those things allow for opportunistic pathogens and their obvious symptoms...and of course any 'skin eruption' is the skin coming into play as an organ of elimination. 'Skin eruptions' directly AFTER a liver flush when there was none BEFORE the liver flush? That's something where Andreas's information needs to at least be considered as a distint possibility.
One thing's for SURE! PLENTY OF WATER, A colonic, home colonic, high enema (properly adminstered), any type of an enema, (of course, the ES), cathartic herbs, or ANYTHING to ensure clearance of liver debris from the colon can NOT cause harm. Everybody knows that ALL organ cleansing results in the release of highly saturated toxic's not the release of the toxins that causes a herxheimer reaction, it's the REABSORPTION! And those herxheimer reactions are *notoriously* responsible for causing people to stop cleansing.
(That's why I like Schulzes IF#2 for colon cleansing...the bentonite clay, apple pectin AND activated charcoal are there to prevent the toxins from being reabsorbed. YAY!)
I agree with Doc's comments about Andreas inspiring fear - in some cases I'm sure his 'persnickety-ness' does just that. (And I'm sure he'd hate to think he ever caused someone NOT to cleanse or flush, but methinks it probably has). But one thing's for sure, his liver flushing protocol can virtually never cause a herxheimer reaction...and sometimes the herxheimer reactions do indeed cause people not to continue (with ANYbody's protocols).
Closing/bottom line...SOUND KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY! The various healers all have different protocols and VERY different personalities. No *one* protocol is completely perfect; every one of them has room for improvement (which is why, if you'll study the works of the 'greats' you'll find their protocols constantly changing & upgrading).
One can't go wrong with the truth. And personal opinions/biases based on 'what we FEEL' and 'what we like' and 'what we've always known/thought' are like buttholes, everyone's got one...and they usually stink. :::grin, no insult to anyone intended!!:::
Blessings always -
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