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Re: The Vietnam war. by knows ..... Ask Dr. Sutter

Date:   3/31/2008 8:54:41 AM ( 17 y ago)
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Look Imaxfli, this isn't as confusing as all the rhetoric about it makes it seem. Ask yourself some questions.

Who did the "Dark Ages"??? Over 200 million people murdered.
Do you think the "peoples" that did that are out of power now?
Who did we fight our Revolutionary war against to be free of?
Who owns the Federal Reserve?

That's pretty much all you need to know. The details of any event that has happened in this country (or the world) can be traced back to the answers to those questions.

The only reason for war is to keep the "Ruling class" ruling. That's it. Divide and conqure, oppositional therapy, confusion everywhere. Couple that up with the mass drugging of society and you, my good man, are the product of that. You have lost the ability to think for yourself or literally see what's right in front of you to see. You must be told by some "expert" what to think and what you are viewing.

It's easy to remedy. Simply take the blinders off. Quit listening to all the rhetoric. Think for yourself, see for yourself. You don't have to go to a war like I did to be able to see these things.

Is cancer curable??? I suppose you think it's not. You don't believe me or the many other people on this forum that used to have it and now don't. How'd we do that? It certainly wasn't on the 6 o'clock news.

"Above all things get wisdom". "Seek ye first the truth". Why do you have to seek truth, why isn't it on the 6 o'clock news? If you haven't done any digging, haven't done any serious research into all this there is simply no way you can know the truth about any of it. The truth has to be searched for. Someone is indeed hiding it on you. And those someones can be found in the answers to the above questions.

It's heartbreaking stuff, so if you are too sensative a person and can't handle getting your heart mutilated by hardcore facts crawl back in your hole and stay out of our way. We are trying to change the world with truth. It's the only thing that can do so.

Doc Sutter

PS. I would start with the movie Zeitgeist.


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