Re: My Two Cents On the "End Times" by GodSpeak ..... Christianity Debate
Date: 3/30/2008 10:54:06 AM ( 17 y ago)
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You're right on with it all being about glorifying God! And like you said Jesus and others will be pouring out during that time. You just don't understamd what I mean about a "plan". It's not buying emergency essentials and being prepared that way, which would help some, becuase most aren't prepared that way and everyone will be in the same boat. And I'm not worried about it because like you said it's about glorifying God. What could be greater? I've had to have some very serious talks about this with my wife, because she's really fearful about it all. The Bible says why worry about anything. Why worry about your next meal, or where you'll sleep. God takes care of everything. And when you're taken before judges don't worry about what to say because when the time comes you will be shown what to say.
I don't understand why you always jump on the condemning wagon, especially since you don't even know me, but maybe it's because your persuit of condemnation blinds you to the facts? I told you the purpose for the name GodSpeak before, simply because of a song that I like. If anything, it means I want God to speak to me, not because God speaks through me. If you really knew me you'd know I'm the last person to believe or say that. Like I said, that post was just my "two cents". How is stating my "two cents" playing these "games" of sensationalism that satisfy your fleshly desires and you have the desire to be a "Master of Preparation", then you have reason to be concerned about this "end times" that you choose to be a 'hero'? A master of preparation? That's a riot. Ask my wife if I'm anything close to that.
I believe man likes to plan things out in a sequence, but God or the holy/devine processes operate differently. God can do things that don't seem like a plan or sequence, yet it comes together perfectly. Being a true child of God seems like the opposite thing we should do to people who don't have faith. The "plan" takes all this one step further than simply having faith. The "plan" takes it beyond each person having faith and simply riding it out. I'm not saying that isn't a great thing to do in itself, because it is. What greater thing could we do? That's what I'm taking about. I believe God would like to see more out of us. I know you know after the "end times" happen a thousand years of peace is supposed to occur. That's what I believe God would like to see us help manifest. Not that God needs it, but because it's the right thing to do. That's an even greater act of faith and devotion. We can sit there and let God do all the work like faithful sheep, which is fine, or we can do something even greater and actively participate in the process and make it easier to happen. I think I know what you're thinking about that statement, that "mans ways" are different or wrong and all that stuff, and that's where I think the Bible sells us short. According to Jesus we can do even greater things than he did. So what could that be? Manifesting the new age of peace in itself, instead of sitting back and letting God do all the work like we're helpless, dumb, know nothing and condemning anyone who tries to do anything more. I know we're all greater than that. I have faith in God and mans potential just like Jesus did.
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