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bad sore throat and bronchitis! by starlight ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   3/23/2008 9:28:23 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   21,567

hi all ...

well, for the past 5 days i've had a sore throat, no voice, and this horrible cough, which is now going down into my bronchial tubes! I have had sore throats since i was a kid, i seem to get them quite easily. But i have to say, this, is a BAD one! I can't sleep, and the constant drip in the back of my throat is driving me nuts,,,coughing, coughing, coughing. Back in Dec. i had a mild case of bronchitis, i held out as long as i could, but finally, i gave in and saw my dr....who,naturally,prescribed CIPRO antibiotic. WEll, to be honest, by that time, i was ready to take anything to just stop the pain, and the cough! The CIPRO helped within about 24hrs. which was good, and i finished off the RX like he said to do. But, now, THIS! My son started with it first a few weeks ago, and it really holds on. Now, i've got it! My throat is SO SO SORE! this is really horrible. It also feels sore in that "tube" that goes from your throat up to your ear, again, i've had that before too.

I've been looking up home remedies, natural remedies, herbal remedies all morning, since i couldn't sleep a wink last night. I tried spraying that CEPECOL on my throat, to numb it, it worked at first, for a few hours, which was a welcome relief. BUt, then it started to wear off. I figured, I'd spray some more. Well, something strange happened. When I sprayed it on my throat, I suddenly cuoldn't get air, it was scary as heck, like say, when you get water down the wrong pipe, and for those few seconds, you can't get air! I panicked! I was wheezing badly, just gasping for air. Finally, it calmed down, and i could breathe. WEll, ever since then, I am afraid to do that again. I also feel like every part of my body hurts or aches.
I don't have a fever though.

so, waht can I do? I've tried boiling water, and holding a towel over my head, and breathing in the warm humid SORT OF helped a little...nothing spectacular. I suck on HALLS throat lozenges all day, but now, they're not really helping. THIS IS NOT GOOD! If anyone can tell me what to do, to get rid of this sore throat, i'd really appreciate it....i also need to know how to get the mucus loosed up in the bronchial tubes so i can get it out! Oh, and here's something strange and new for me.....there seems to be a "spot" on the inside of my throat, on the left side (where the sore part is) that starts to spasm! I knwo that sounds weird, but that's the only way i can describe it. It makes me feel like coughing, or convulsing in a's weird. Right now, i'm drinking hot ginger, and chamomile tea, with raw honey, and coconut oil. But, when i swallowed it, i had a similar reaction to the seems that when i swallow something, it gets down there to a certain point, and then, i cant' catch my breath, as though it went down the wrong pipe. Now, if i just stand there, and relax, it's ok. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? That's a new one for me. I feel as though the left side of my throat is swollen as well, which i've never had either. Then i get panicky, and worry it'll swell up so much, it'll cut off my airways! UGH! I dont know, i'm just a nervous wreck right now with this, i havent' slept in two nights due to the coughing and sore throat.

hey, thank you all for any help!!!!

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