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Re: Need help with parasite and liver flusing/cleanisng by muggs ..... Ask Dr. Sutter

Date:   3/21/2008 8:59:15 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   2,043

Thanks for you answer.

I guess you could call the Lyme Spirochette a parasite but it's actually a bacterial infection much similar to Syphillus. (some of the "co-infections" are parsites like Babesosis - similar to malaria and is a tick borne infection) It has a corkscrew shape and quickly burrows into all areas and organs of the body. If treated early it is curable. If not caught immediately is goes in to a "Late Stage" or "Chronic Form" and the idea is to get the body into remission. I've had the disease for about 30 years (undiagnosed until 2006) so it is unlikely that this issue could be resolved as quickly as my parasite issue. The anti-biotics DO kill the germ and that's why Lymies have "die off" or herxheimer reactions. There are different ABX that kill the different forms of the Spriochette (it's a very tricky germ that can change forms very quickly)

I am being treated by a naturopath Dr. who has had the disease himself and his wife still has the disease. He is a wonderful man who has already helped me reslove my my heavy metals issues. I take only supplements approved by or recommended by him (never synthetic) including a LOT of probiotics.

We (the Lyme community in general and specifically my Dr. and I) are very open to "natural" approaches to healing Lyme. The Rife machine, herbal remedies and chelating are among those I am happy to try. The Vitamin C/Salt Protocol and The Marshall Protocol are on the bottom of my list. Of the hundreds of people I interact with in the Lyme community not one person has or knows anyone who has healed completely with these approaches. Some have used them in between periods of ABX with success. The only lady I know that's using the VitC/Salt protocol (for six months now) is still in her wheelchair.

I know of MANY people that are healed due to antibiotics. I HATE taking them and will be going to a straight herbal approach soon. Prior to his experience with Lyme I doubt my Dr. used prescrition drugs at all with his patients. With this disease it's the lesser of the evils.


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