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Re: Day 3... I love you all!!! Muah!!! by Atomic-Blonde ..... Fasting for Weight Loss Forum

Date:   3/19/2008 8:39:04 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   1,016

yeah whell...
Thank you darlin.
I slammed my water and did my thing and another one and a half seemed to return... but all in all a very good day...
Husband and I walked to the pizza place. the smell in the hallway was of turkey sandiwches in the school cafeteria... oh man... that would touch i just stood there and breathed it in while hub laughed.
Then the aroma of the pizza place was delicious...
I got a huge side salad and have been munching on the lettuce and cucumbers here and there.
What is it about fresh cucumbers?
Glorious.. beats a dirty turkey n gravy sammy anyway and I dont feel like crap afterwards LOLOL

Hope you are all doing well



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