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memo to mccain: you taking notes? get those audio/video clips ready... by MtnnnDewww ..... Politics Debate Forum

Date:   3/13/2008 11:31:27 PM ( 17 y ago)
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I have never seen a greater cornacoppia (sp?) of material that Republicans (or Democrats) could use against one another than the stuff coming out of Hussein Obama and Hillary camp. The problem for McCain is...which to use and which to throw out! It's unbelievable what these two Democrats and their operatives are spouting. Could you just imagine what a guy like Pat Buchanan would do with this stuff??!!! OH, MAN, lol!!!! I'd pay retail to see that debate. Reagan would've eaten these Democratic candidates for lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack!!!! McCain, I know you read Curezone...don't waste this opportunity. You gotta stockpile and use. Being nice is gonna lose. Keep this stuff fresh in the minds of the voters. My consultation check should be sent to the address on the envelope...make it out to MtnnnDewww like always...thanks.

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