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Re: UT on my forehead seems to make things worse by #76749 ..... Urine Therapy Support Forum

Date:   3/8/2008 10:28:16 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   4,599

Hello Stephwin:

I'm an American of Western European heritage in my seventies.  About eight or nine years ago my primary care provider sent me to a dermatologist where I was diagnosed with "pre melanoma" sores on my scalp.  I am primarily bald but have some scant hair on the top of my head.  The dermatologist burned these sores off in her office with liquid nitrogen.  It was required that I return every six months because new sores would appear and I had to have the new ones burned off as well.  About four or five years ago sores also appeared on my lips and were diagnosed also as pre cancer.  (All of this was due to ultra violet light - so I was told.)  I was given a prescription cream to apply to my lips to burn the sores off there.  Then just about three and a half years ago I began urine therapy - ingestion only.  My purpose was general well being and I had no idea of all the benefits that I would receive.  First off, my athlete's foot problem of several decades went completely away - this was after years of topical treatments and even an internal prescription to kill the fungus in the blood stream.  Nothing worked for very long, until UT.  That took only two weeks and was completely unexpected.  Then after about two months of UT I went to my dermatologist for my six month burn off and there were only one or two sores and my scalp was much better all the way around.  Then in my next visit (8 months after the beginning of internal UT) the dermatologist found no sores at all and my scalp was all cleared up, and the sores on my lips had also begun to clear up without the topical cream.  I told my doctor what I was doing and she didn't have a problem at all and told me to keep doing it and to also, not return for any more treatments because all my sores were gone with UT.  So, mine took about 8 months, but they cleared up.

I don't know about itching unless it is part of the healing process.  In the beginning I didn't used UT topically because I had only tried aged urine and I couldn't get the odor out of my hair even by shampooing twice afterward.  So all clearing up was with internal UT.  However, just within the past couple of months I've been using fresh urine topically on my scalp prior to showering to relieve itching and all itching has cleared up also.

My suggestion would be to just keep doing what you're doing and that internal is by far the most beneficial.


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