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try VINPOCETINE for Moses' VERBAL... by Hellth ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum

Date:   2/26/2008 3:23:52 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   47,317

"One mom, in particular, worked with Buttar prior to coming to Houston. In 2002, we were doing ALA before, during and after our 3-months on DMSA (Captomer) and about one month after stopping DMSA, he had his first-ever grand-mal seizure."

Sorry to hear about your son's seizure, MM. We had some minor seizure episodes, but found out that by cutting out ALL TRANS-FATS, the seizures went away without antiseizure meds. (You know how TRYING these exclusionary diets can be, when trying to keep weight on ASD kids, so we found out that MCDONALDS had NO GLUTEN in their French Fries, which they loved, but then we started getting scary little seizure episodes until we realized it had something to do with .... shocker!)
Unfortunately, McDonalds fries now have gluten, although they have apparently removed the transfatty acids.

"He had reacted so horribly to the DMSA (and perhaps ALA) that I always wondered if it hadn't stirred up some problems that caused the seizure. After that, we pretty much vowed to avoid chemical chelation."

He couldn't tolerate even a drop of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement either, right? Do you have Moses on digestive enzymes? They cover a multitude of unintentional "sins" in the leaky gut diets. After about a month, the right enzymes will make your boy seem happier over all. I don't think I ever saw it fail. (when given enough time to work out)

"At any rate, just to touch on a couple of your other points/questions. I refer to him as low-functioning because he appears to be so since he is non-verbal. His teacher places him with the high-functioning kids in her classroom."

I forgot to mention this for Mose's verbal problem. HAVE YOU TRIED VINPOCETINE? If you haven't, find a good fresh source for this supplement (I think we got ours from Kirkman Labs... more expensive, but good quality) and give him 1-2 capsules every day. Watch for HEADACHES though, and if he gets them, back off for a week or two, then go again. This has turned on some ASD kids verbal ability LIKE A LIGHT SWITCH! Vinpocetine increases blood flow in the brain, and is a "natural" extract of the periwinkle plant. THIS IS WORTH A TRY!

"Again, thank you for taking the time to offer some suggestions and ideas!"

God bless you and Moses, and expect a miracle with him. Keep trying to chelate him, though, and get that darn mercury out of his brain. You don't have to win any races, just keep up the effort and don't get discouraged. It seemed to us, that JUST when we couldn't take another day of "no change", something new would suddenly happen, and we'd be on the next level of improvement all of a sudden. Don't give up, MM! :)



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