Re: Questions about Homeopathic Meds - and Tapering Off Xanax. Need Help! by Tigger21 ..... Dr. Schulze Support Forum
Date: 2/15/2008 2:42:34 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 6,334
I got your email. Acupuncture doe shelp a bit. but the birth pill will mess you up so much more. synthetic hormones can end many relationships, but staying on them will not help. You will go thru pain but you nedd to come out the other side.
If you have been on them a long time it will take a long to get striaghtened out. as schulzes says you may get worse before you get better.
If this is too much to rely on diet and herbs, read up on dr john lee md and get some herbal progesterone to help sort your system out. All hormones come from progesterone for men and this can help to regulate your system but will take at least 1 month to get some results.
hope thishelps
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