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Re: QUACKWATCH?! by me1101 ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum

Date:   2/8/2008 10:58:35 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   3,682

You just confirmed what you are trying to deny. People here will know you are not the sort to pick out curezone as your place to learn healing if you use quckwatch as your criteria for informative truth. The guy is an idiot, he thinks all forms of alternative medicine are quackery. He even puts the third largest healthcare category, chiropractic into the "quackery" column. You should find conventional medicine sites to find the treatments you prefer. Why come here? You will find we are adamant about doing our own type of research and making our own decisions.

My dad is on hospice. He got on it a few years ago. Lived too long, got off and got back on. He gets only palliative care. They help with personal hygiene, comfort, preventing sores with pillows, etc, because he is thin. But, they were wrong about death being imminent. Just good old loving care, including that of the hospice nurses helps him. So, that is a place where convention is doing well in our city. But, even they, once they admit their drugs can't help heal, do not panic with tumors or inability to breathe. If there is a crisis we handle it in a non medical way. They will not want you to call 911 or be admitted to the hospital, there is not a thing they can do. We have an emergency box, where in case he is in pain we can administer the proper shots for pain, so medicine used that way is good. But, the thing we learned is that doctors can't do any more than we can, you don't have to get panicked and rush to the hospital.

Many people choose to treat chronic diseases at home without conventional medicine too. They also seek out curezone for ideas to treat themselve and/or family members with other substances that have been found to be of value, whether FDA approved or not. They assume the risk themselves, which is their right, even on behalf of loved ones, which is just as ethical as doing it with chemotherapy or whatever. Obviously the peer reviiewed studies published in JAMA and so for, make chemotherapy work no better. They just choose to accept that fate and use it. Here, most don't. They choose ways they consider less toxic.

It is a matter of the paradigm you live under. One isn't right and the other wrong necessarily.

But, what IS wrong is to come in and invade a place whose ideas are different than yours and try to convince them that you are right and they are wrong. We are doing what we choose to do. Certainly debates within the parameters of the same paradigm are worthy. But, when you bring a viewpoint from the perspective of "Quackwatch" into the picture, you are just in the wrong world. If you want to dabble with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , fine. But, a conventionalist is in my opinion, out of line when he/she tries to convert into the medical paradigm, those who with good reason have abandoned it.

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