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Re: olive oil by b2reflect ..... Ask Dr. Sutter

Date:   2/6/2008 1:49:55 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   2,234

This is not to debate with you. It is just to let others know another story, Doc.

"What I've seen from 30 years in practice is if the person doesn't get a handle on the booze by the time they are 35 it's very difficult to not have a problem with it the rest of your life and once past 40 it's pretty much a done deal and you won't be able to get a handle on it. So the damage depends on what age you got it together. But once the mental part of why you were drinking in the first place is resolved you won't have a problem with booze at all. You can take it or leave it."

I did not get a 'handle' on the booze until I was 43 years old, back in 2005. I have not had a drink since October 11, 2005. I have not had a desire either. There were times when I first stopped drinking that I had to talk and explain and ask and understand why I thought I wanted a drink...all this to myself. I have had many conversations with myself, like that, in the beginning of quitting.

After I stopped drinking I started consuming (more) sugar like it was going out of style! I have, in fact, gained 32 pounds from the day I stopped drinking until I chose to stop the sugar back in November of last year. Now, I had released 10 pounds but then began eating sugar again and regained 5 pounds. I began a fast on the first of February and am doing extra strength Humaworm. I desire and know that, this time around, the sugar bug(s) will be gone, when I am done.

I do totally agree with you though about the mental part and the alcohol. I have had much 'therapy (not conventional, this time around)' since 2005 and released much of what was going on. I do not desire alcohol, yet do not say I cannot drink. I say, and this is why I am fasting, that I desire to be healthy and therefore alcohol is not of my choosing to be on that path.

This time around (back in 2005) was the easiest thing for me. Although, I will say it was not always an easy task, at times. I had attempted to stop drinking several different times in my life. I did not change other circumstances, so I would go back to the alcohol.

I know my liver and my other organs I may have 'beat up' along the way will be good to go and function as expected. They just need a rest right now .

OH and Doc, I did want to mention about Humaworm. Something you said a few days ago, you did not know why he suggested just a month. He suggests a month, so the parasites don't get 'used' to the herbs YET in the meantime, before the next dose, he suggests 'in between herbs' to use. This is to keep the 'critter's' down for the count, while your body adjusts.

Thanks for allowing other thoughts and ideas into your forum, Doc.


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