PLEASE HELP w/ MARIJUANA RECOVERY PROTOCOL!!! by johnbarnesiii ..... Addiction: Drug Addiction Support Forum
Date: 1/30/2008 9:37:50 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 5,502
My brother needs help. He has been smoking marijuana almost every day for years. He has anxiety and is a type A personality. He is suffering serious withdrawal. What can he do to ease withdrawal symptoms?
I want to help him on a protocol that will balance his system, reduce the anxiety, get him to eat right and start taking supplements.
Other symptoms & general info about him: He has heightened sensitivity and emotions (hence using marijuana to try & kill the excess of emotions), used to be very angry as a teen, very creative, moodiness, heavy emotions, anxiety, typical artist shit.
Can anyone suggest a basic protocol (nutritional, supplements, etc.)?? Anyone have experience really treating marijuana addiction? Is there a good orthomolecular program out there? PLEASE HELP!
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