Dave's Protocol before he passed of a NON CANCEROUS Cause: by Hidden Username ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum
Date: 1/9/2008 11:52:31 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 6,334
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1081426
Sept 1999 - Sept. 2000
Green juicing (kale, char, parsley, cilantro, cucumber, celery, collards, beet, diakon, ginger, w/ enough carrot to make palatable - combine as available - 32oz per day - dropped off to 16 oz. daily and/or 32oz. of "Energy Soup" per Ann Wigmore recipe.
Colonic irrigation - Began in Sept. 99 - weekly; Oct-Nov. bi-weekly; now every 3 to 4 weeks
coffee enemas - 5-6 times/week; began Dec. 99; went to 2-3 times/week since April 00. Implant 4.5 oz. Chlorophyll w/ ½ Tbs. of Bifidus and ½ tsp. Lactobacillus complex. (If this generates too much gas I eliminate the Bifidus and L. Bacillus). Infrequenty now.
O3 (ozone) therapy - .5L one min. rectally (immediately after my enema) began Dec. 99. Discontinued after March 00 as I continued to use the Ionized Alkaline Water
Using "Rife" device (bio frequency therapy) daily - began in Sept. 99.
Dental mercury removed - Nov. 10 - Dec. 6. Two root canals pulled; two remain.
Mercury detox. per Dr. Tate DDS "synopsis" (eggs poached in coconut oil w/garlic daily - sulphur helps pull the mercury out) plus; DMPS chelation 12/8, 12/22. (infrequently since then)
Nutritional IV's (25 grams "C" w/ various B vits.) started in Sept. 99 - weekly until end of Oct. 99. Then went to 25 grams IV Vit. C - weekly; began 12/18/99; started 50 grams 1/8/00 (home administered to make affordable) - infrequently now
IV DMSO began 1/6/00 w/beta glucans and aloe - weekly, bi-weekly since April 99. Intermittently since then.
15 min. on "Rebounder" (mini trampoline) most days to oxygenate my system and stimulate lymph movement. (infrequently now)
15 min. on "Chi" machine most days (with oxygen via nose canula) - same reasons as "Rebounder". Aggravated old knee injury, suspended March 00
10 min. in sauna (170 to 180 degrees) daily at local "Y" for detoxification, including "dry brushing" to stimulate lymph flow. I now use my own Heavenly Heat Far Infared (FIR) Sauna. It has both the FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) emitters and the hot rocks. I can get a much better detox at a lower temperature using the FIR. Very good for heavy metal detox, as well as overall health benefits. (contact me for additional information.)
Avoiding white flour; sugar; fruits; alcohol & most grains. (get rid of Candita) Cancer Loves Sugar - stay away from it - don't feed it things it likes that make it prosper.
30-40 oz. "Ionized Alkaline water" purchased from a woman who has a water ionizing unit that splits filtered water into "acid" and "alkaline" components. This helps to make the water's oxygen more available to me at the cellular level, which helps detox my body at the cellular level. Purchased my own Water Ionizer (after finding a good unit that I could afford, Jupiter Melody) in March 2000 and now use it for all cooking, drinking etc. Generally drink about 80 oz @ 8.5 to 9 pH daily.
Four cups of Green Tea daily - made with the Alkalized water. Infrequently now.
Colloidal Silver 1 to 2 oz. Per day of 5 to 10ppm strength - I make myself.
As of Sept. 2000 I have been incorporating many more raw and living foods into my diet. This is very alkalizing, also the chlorophyll in green vegetables carries a lot of oxygen. Not cooking your food (not heated above 108 degrees) leaves all the enzymes intact that allow for easy digestion. You save the energy your body normally uses to produce the enzymes necessary to digest cooked food, plus all the nutrients that would be destroyed by cooking, are available to you. Your body can then use this energy and the nutrients to help you regain (or maintain) your health. Many cancer patients have recovered (even after they were told they were "hopeless") by going on a 100% living food diet. Note: While this is a very good "therapeutic diet" not everyone thrives on a 100% live diet on a long term basis.
Get hold of some information from Ann Wigmore's books. The healing foods she recommends are:
Wheat Grass Juice
Rejuvelac (made from sprouting then soaking soft pastry wheat berries - drinking the "juice"
Energy soup - a blended mixture of green sprouts, rejuvelac (or water), bukwheat lettuce, avacado and other things (salad in a blender)
Cultured Vegetables - fermented cabbage etc.
Supplements, herbs:
Beta-1, 3-D Glucan 1500mg first in AM - empty stomach (500mg. per 50 lbs. of body weight for a therapeutic dose). Excellent Immune modulator - Maximizes the Appropriate Immune Response. I consider this My Most Important "supplement" and ONE I STRONGLY RECOMMEND, particularly if you are dealing with a chronic or life threatening illness, or autoimmune type illnesses. (Pls. visit
MSM 1000mg x6 (Note: means 6 ea. 1000 mg. capsules each time)
IP6 500mg. x6
MGN3 (Arabinaxylane compound) 250mg x2 (very expensive ARA6 is supposed to be the same thing) - I have discontinued this one.
ARA6 (Arabinogalactan) (Larix occidentalis extract) 500mg. x6
Bio Zyme (Pancreatic enzymes) 325mg. x12
Jarro-Zyme (Porcine Pancreatic enzymes) 425mg. x4
Freeze dried Calf Liver 1 t. w/carrot juice x1
Pregest "cultured enzymes" x4
Sea Cure (White Fish) 500mg. x9
CoQ10 120mg x2
Alpha Limpoic acid 300mg (timed release) x2
Milk Thistle 80mg. x2
Garlic 12 mcg/gram x2
Selenium 200 mcg x2
Lecithin 1200mg x2
Magnesium 300mg. & Potassium 40mg. Asportates x2
Vit. E 400iu x2
Folic acid 800mcg. x1
Vit. B Complex 50mg. X2
Zinc x3
Cod Liver Oil capsules x2
Flax Oil 4Tbs. w/ home made Kefir
Ground Flax seed Tbs. x3
Ground (together) sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds Tbs. x1.5
Green Powder (Presently, Barley Greens)
Calcium Ascorbate 4 grams 2 times/day
L-Glutamine 3,800mg. x1
Broken cell Chlorella 6 grams x1
Bernadine HCL 520mg. w/ Pepsin 20mg. taken with meals.
Toco - food based vitamin/ mineral complex 1T x4
Homeopathic as recommended
Note: This list is what I was taking (most of them 3 times a day) when I first began my recovery. I'm sure this is excessive, however, I was trying to do all I knew, at the time, to "blast" the cancer out. I have since reduced the frequency of my supplements to once per day, or less often, since introducing more raw and living food into my diet and consistently drinking Ionized Alkaline Water. I also no longer feel it necessary take all the supplements on the list (nor can I afford it).
In addition to the Ionized Alkaline Water, here is one of the most effective products I used (and am still using). It is Transfer Point Beta-1, 3-D Glucan. The most effective, proven, Immune system enhancer known.
I would suggest that you consider using this; particularly if you are dealing with a chronic or life threatening illness or auto-immune type illness. If you are not in a crisis Beta glucan (at a reduced dose) will help keep your immune system functioning at the maximum appropriate level to help you enjoy an optimun state of health.
I feel that Beta-1, 3-D Glucan, has made a huge difference in my recovery, by allowing me to get the maximum (appropriate) response from my ("chemo. compromised") immune system: For more information go to my other site:
Contact me if you think this makes sense. I represent Transfer Point to Health Food Stores and can offer you a better price than the Manufacturer will offer. This is the most affordable and purest Beta glucan you can use. A therapeutic dose of Beta glucan, for those in a health crisis, has been researched and shown to be 500 mg per 50 lbs. of body weight. About 1/4 of that would is used by persons not in crisis.
Please understand, I'm not just trying to "load you up" with things that I represent. I have just had such success with this product (in addition to the Ionized Alkaline Water) that I want you to be aware of it's value.
Now that I'm "out of the woods" and in good Physical health, I'm tying to recover my "Fiscal" health as well, by offering products and protocols I found effective for my survival.
Here is a site index that will help you find the MD's in your area that practice "Complimentary/Alternative Medicine. They are a good place to get a second "Medical" opinion about your choices (outside of the Traditional Medical Community) if you aren't comfortable with "non MD" alternative practitioners.
If this doesn't work go to:
and click on "doctor search"
Please don't assume they are all equal. By nature, they are usually a caring, responsible bunch, but like any profession, there may be a few mercenary ones out there.
The best way I have found to "check them out" is by asking other Health Professionals such as: colonic Therapists, Chiropractors, Naturopathic Dr.'s, Electrodermal Screening practitioners etc.
I would suggest that you get a Free subscription to The Dr. Moss Newsletter. He is very objective and evaluates both alternative and traditional approached to recovery. He really seems to stay on the "cutting edge" of new developments in both approaches - he really favors the "Alternative approach" whenever possible. SUBSCRIBE TO HIS FREE NEWSLETTER.
The Herring Foundation of Hope will send a Free "Hope Kit" to you or to someone your feel would benefit from the various tapes, books and other information it contains about cancer. This is a huge amount of material so I must warn you about "information overload". It will be up to the recipient to determine what information is pertinent to them as the books etc. represent an extensive "survey" of fact and opinion. Call 770.667.9702 if you would like to request a "kit".
There are also some very helpful "lists" whose members represent a broad variety of backgrounds and where you can ask questions about various healing protocols and products. As you will see, some lists allow a very broad range of topics, while others are quite specific.
Here is one of the broadest, with members of every persuasion. Mr. Tracy is very knowledgeable about many things and has done extensive "research" using Rife, the Enhancer, Willard Water, Water Oz, special diets etc. and has helped many people back to health. The place to sign up for Tracy's Corner is the Tracy's Corner homepage at:
Another "general" list::
Colloidal Silver is a very beneficial adjunct to any health program, in my opinion. I use it every day, internally and externally. Easy and inexpensive to make and SAFE to use. Great people on the list. Just get the basics. Making effective CS is quite easy. Making "perfect" CS could take a lifetime as you will see by some of the "techies" discussions
To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-request@eskimo.com more information:
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
Some more "Specific" Lists I found of value:
Cancercured List - This list has a good mix of alternative and traditional discussions. "A forum whereby people with any kind of physical problem can get their questions answered, and can take responsibility for their own health using natural methods." To subscribe: cancercured-subscribe@yahoogroups.com List Archives:
Bowel Cleanse: Subscription email: bowelcleanse-subscribe@egroups.com
Oxygen therapies: OxyPlus Mailing List -
OxyPLUS is a moderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies and other alternative self-help subjects.
The Oxylist archive (a now discontinued Oxygen list) remains accessible on the Oxytherapy.com website
OzoneTherapy Mailing List -
OzoneTherapy is a moderated list for the dissemination of information on ozone therapy and adjunct therapies. The approach is holistic and the emphasis is on self responsibility.
A very good site with very good prices on Ozone and Oxygen Therapy is:
"Den" is the person to contact, he has a great deal of knowledge. Please tell him I sent you.
Raw and Living food (especially in the Atlanta GA area).
Life Grocery "Life Café" - Marietta GA.
A large raw and living food email "list" (from Seattle, I believe)
Also go to egroups.com search for "rawforlife" to get on their email list. This is a good source to find persons following the "Living Food" lifestyle in your area.
I believe this is one of the single most important dietary strategies that you should investigate.
Rife: If you have the $$, I would suggest you investigate a Rife Machine.
If you or someone you know is technically competent you can make your own with the plans from the patent holder, Dr. James Bare (a true humanitarian). Dr. James Bare's site.
To subscribe to the rife-alt-health list which covers alt-health modalities other than the rife-list - allows off topic discussions send a message to rife-alt-health-subscribe@topica.com.
I have a unit made by
in Canada. I have been very happy with the unit and the service.- Meg Bonney is the person to contact. She and her partner Faye are very caring persons, they make a great unit with outstanding customer service. Meg's number: 250.890.2054; email: meglynn@mars.ark.com Please tell her I recommended her to you.
For FREQUENCY LISTS for Bare-Rife generators see the Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL) which is the large "master list" compiled by Brian McInturff. Go to:
Here is another device. The Enhancer. It is designed to get the cells in the body back to their full energy potential so that your body can heal itself. I have heard remarkable testimonies about this device. I have just begun to use one for overall "maintenance". It does not directly destroy diseased cells but powers the body's immune system, allowing removal of toxins at the body's own rate. This avoids the "healing crisis" from toxic die-off that can shock the body's elimination system. I would suggest a fully assembled system rather than the kit.
Warning!! Some of these lists generate an enormous amount of email. The best way I have found to manage it is to have the posts automatically go to "message folders" in my Outlook Express where I can access them aside from my regular email.
Here is how you can do this: (if you don't use Outlook Express - I don't have a clue)
Click on: Messages
Then: Create Rules for Messages
Then, under "Connections", Only check - the "where Subject line contains specific words" box
Then under "Actions", Only check - "Move it to the specific folder" box
Click OK and follow the prompts.
If you have any problems (or if I have messed up these instructions) Please go to the "Help" menu. Believe me I'm NOT very computer literate.
This is enough for now. I know when I was looking into all the "options" it was very easy to get into "information overload". I gathered (and am still gathering) the information I have used to survive for over 8 years now. It's like trying to eat an elephant - do it "one bite at a time" :0)
In summary:
Detox (Colonics, Ionized Alkaline Water, Beta Glucan, Dry Saunas, Skin brushing)
Alkalize (Ionized Alkaline Water, Green "living foods" & Green Juicing)
Oxygenate (Ionized Alkaline Water (Jupiter Melody), mild exercise, various Oxy. therapies)
Enhance Your Immune System (Transfer Point Beta glucan - Ionized Alkaline Water)
Use the Rife unit, if you can afford one.
Also, I would suggest that you search around for a good cancer support group. This will help your recovery immensely. It has been shown that people who regularly attend support groups have a much higher survival rate than those who don't. Support groups are like shoes - you may have to "try a few on" before you find one that suits you. It should be a very positive experience. If it isn't, shop around for one that provides this experience.
I hope these "resources" will help you find the most effective ways to meet your health needs and those of others.
I'm sending good wishes and healing energy to you, your family & friends.
Trust in a Greater Power.
Dave Perkins
"enjoy being"
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