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Re: I honestly haven't seen anyone legitimately cured. by ketchup ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   1/6/2008 1:27:44 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   4,259

of course, there are people who are cured, definitely cured.
But you cannot be absolutely sure you are not going to have a relapse one day, even if you prefer to deny it for mental confort,as I did.
if you are strong, you can live with a health risk hanging over your head ;many people do, specially as they age.
''Hi guys. that's a load of bollocks. everything is doable if you put your mind to it!
a positive attitude helps to get back your health, but thinking positive is not denying the facts. Will power and mind power are not enough to heal, if they were, few people would die!
By saying that people who are struggling long and hard to get well are not really puting their mind to it, you're making them feel guilty for not healing.
We all deserve respect and consideration here, those who are heal and those who don't.

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