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Re: balancing estrogen dominance? by pb3046 ..... Homeopathy Support & Experiences

Date:   1/3/2008 8:51:43 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   13,082

Sepia is the one that I can relate to, but there are others, ignatia, cimicifuga racemosa,valeriana, agnus castus, sabina and urticura urens. Google each of these and see what matches your symptoms, and what matches you. Don't expect all to match, but agnus castus mentions absent minded, unable to concentrate, and that certainly would be worth trying in your case. Below is info from private messages and posts I have made. Your cold feet and brain fog may be low thyroid, but you should always make sure to keep your feet very warm, covered with socks, booties, whatever, because with estrogen dominance there is abdominal congestion and it is important to eliminate that congestion by keeping feet and hands warm, as well as doing gentle abdominal massage.

"Headaches are most often connected with periods, and when you get your hormones straightened out, your headaches will stop. Meantime, go to the HFS and get some homeopathic Sepia, 30C is OK. At the first sign of a headache, put 3-4 pellets under your tongue. If your headache is not completely gone in 45 minutes, take a second dose, but one almost never has to take a second dose. Sounds weird that little Sugar pills can cure a headache, but it's one of those little miracles. You actually can prevent those headaches by taking a dose each day the week before your period. The only headaches this doesn't work on are caffeine withdrawal headaches. I am assuming that after four years on CZ you don't do caffeine, but if you do, make sure it is the exact same amount at the same time each day."

"Below are the posts regarding estrogen dominance that I have posted on CZ before. If you have heavy bleeding, certainly that is excessive estrogen What happened the last time you went to the doctor and he said you had a period of low estrogen, I don't know. But I promise you if you try the diet below, with the supplements and the abdominal massage, you will see a difference the first month, and will never have menstrual problems again. I had one girl go from having a period of two weeks of flooding to a normal five day period. She went off her program after one year and the next year had to have a hysterectomy. Another girl had been married for 13 years, never using birth control, who was told the only answer to her hemorrhaging was a hysterectomy. She started on my protocol and the first month had a normal period. In six months she was pregnant, and miscarried, but the next year had a successful delivery. Soy is a debatable subject as some believe it slows down thyroid, but it looks like your thyroid needs a little slowing down."


O/T Endometriosis, Estrogen Dominance and Abdominal Congestion by pb3046 45 h 117
Subject: O/T Endometriosis, Estrogen Dominance and Abdominal Congestion
Username: pb3046 contact pb3046
Date: 9/18/2007 8:41:01 PM ( 3 mon ago )
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Well, the comments already are true. 2,000 mg is not very much. But before you take more, remember that Vitamin C tends to give gas, and if you have the problems you noted, you don't want to take in anything that gives you gas. To flush your bowels, you probably want to use extra magnesium not Vitamin C. You are in pain because of the gas. Just the least little bit of gas will give you a lot of pain because it takes up the room and everything down there is sensitive. What you have is abdominal congestion. I would not do a lot of flushes, cleanses at this time if I were you. It would probably be too painful. Address the abdominal congestion, estrogen dominance and endometriosis first. When your abdomen calms down, you can begin to flush.

I had this in the early 90s, and while I believe I was eventually healed when someone prayed for me, I gave the information I learned to several women afterward, and as long as they stayed on the protocol, there was no adverse bleeding or bad reactions. One even got pregnant the next year, after the doctors told her a hysterectomy was her only option, and after ten years of marriage with no pregnancy. The doctors will advise hysterectomy, maybe after a couple of D&Cs. I had two D&Cs which didn't help a bit. I bled for a year or more. I was under a lot of stress, working and going to nursing school, both full time.

You may want to google the phrases "estrogen dominance" "perimenopause" and "abdominal congestion."

Bleeding and/or cramps
You may not have cramps, if your uterus has no tone. The blood and/or tissue just pours out. Your uterus is relaxed, as if you just had a baby, but it is not contracting. When a woman in the hospital has a baby, and begins to hemorrhage, the nurses are taught to massage the uterus. The tip is just a couple of inches below the navel. If you have fat in that area, it is harder to find but if are slim and should be able to find it easily. This usually stops the bleeding, or the massage is repeated. Calcium and magnesium are the two minerals involved in muscle contraction and relaxation. Calcium helps contraction; magnesium helps relaxation. These two minerals need to remain in perfect balance. So magnesium will help the cramps, and calcium will help the bleeding. Someone on CZ told me that had stopped heavy bleeding with high doses of cod liver oil. I have no experience with that.

Abdominal congestion is a big part of the cause. Abdominal massage is indicated for this. Besides massaging the uterus, massage the whole abdomen Every Day to help the circulation in that area. Up on the right side, across the middle and down on the left side, so the colon gets a proper massage. Additionally, keep your hands and feet warm to draw that congestion from the center of your body, wearing socks to bed if necessary. It's the same concept as keeping booties on a baby to help colic, to pull the congestion out of the center of the body. DO NOT EAT ANYTHING THAT GIVES YOU GAS, even if you think that food is good for you.

Estrogen dominance can be helped by the recommended diet, with a slight emphasis on soy. The soy fills up the estrogen receptors so that the body does not absorb the estrogen your body is putting out. Some people disagree with the soy, but I have found it works well for reproductive problems. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If it works, it works.

The diet: Nothing deep fried. No sugar, no flour, no caffeine. No grains/starches, dairy except possibly cottage cheese and unflavored yogurt, red meat, and very little fruit. Saute your food in coconut or olive oil if you wish, or add a good liquid oil over your vegetables. Do not eat anything that gives you gas--repeat, do not eat anything that gives you gas. Get off fast food and junk food for at least three months. If you alternate diarrhea and constipation, take 2 L-glutamine with at least two meals per day; it will heal your intestines. Your diet will be primarily protein and vegetables. You need more protein than a normal vegetarian gets to put some muscle in your muscles - your uterus and your intestines (constipation). Use a protein powder and have a smoothie,especially if you see signs in your body of muscle breakdown (flab, etc.)

Supplements: Vitamin E to help balance hormones - 2000IU per day. Dolomite or a calcium magnesium supplement. Start out at 2 am and 2 at night. Begin increasing the 2 at night one per week until you have diarrhea, then back off. Probiotics - lactobacillus or acidophilus. The regular acidophilus from Walmart works for me. Take 4 per day; back off if diarrhea, but just take a break and/or cut down; do not cut out. The probiotics will fight constipation and candida.

You will notice a decrease in the bleeding, if you have it, the first month, although you may not have regular periods until the second month. After your periods become normal, and you have some alleviation of the pain, you can start easing up on the diet restrictions, but very slowly. This diet is one you basically need to stay on the rest of your life until you actually see your body is not functioning well on it. The abdominal massage and the supplements should definitely be continued, except that after a year or so you can cut the Vitamin E down to 800IU. Vitamin C taken a week before your period usually means a shorter lighter period, but because of the abdominal congestion, Vitamin C will be hard for you until that has alleviated.

This diet is excellent for candida. If you have signs of candida (cravings for carbs, frequent vaginal infections, food not digesting well, sensitivity to smells),I would suggest you insert vaginally either a cotton ball soaked in Colloidal Silver and/or alternating with 2 acidophilus capsules, whenever you have the FIRST sign of candida symptoms. You may get some die-off from changing your diet. Persevere. If you tend to bacterial vaginosis or candida, the above suggestion of internal acidophilus capsules will strengthen your defenses; you could use it as prevention.

Stress and guilt: You must cut the stress until your body heals. You know what your stress is, overwork, poor finances, men problems, whatever. It has to go; this is your life. Usually gynecological problems are connected with guilt, and that guilt may be sexually connected or not. More than 45 seconds of guilt is not useful. When you begin to feel guilty, about anything, you must talk really sternly to yourself, saying, "This is not useful. What I think makes my emotions and when I think of guilt, I will distract myself and provide myself with a more useful emotion." You have to get some "muscle" here too.

You will notice a decrease in the bleeding the first month, although you may not have regular periods until the second month. After your periods become normal, you can start easing up on the diet restrictions, but very slowly. This diet is one you basically need to stay on the rest of your life until you actually see your body is not functioning well on it. The abdominal massage and the supplements should definitely be continued, except that after a year or so you can cut the Vitamin E down to 800IU.

Don't do too much cleansing or flushing or anything until you get this under control, because this bleeding is a type of cleansing. Brown blood, in my opinion, is probably better than lots of frank red blood, as this is usually a lesser amount. When I bled, I flooded red blood with clots and had to wear double pads and sometimes adult Depends overnight. Brown means it is older.

Perimenopause - obviously you are beginning it, and may go through menopause before fifty, if you don't change things and if you don't have a hysterectomy. You are too young to go through menopause, and that is what will happen if you have a hysterectomy, and I encourage you to try this protocol. At least try it for two months, I believe it will work for you.

I would encourage you to read the Iodine forum for the first couple of months you are on this diet. There is a lot of information on there that is not on the other forums. Don't start on it until your periods are straightened out. There is often detox with iodine, and since we usually detox from our weakest area, it may increase your bleeding. As well, you want to know if this protocol works before you add in a second protocol.


I too stopped bleeding with large doses of a herb, it has been so long ago, I can't even remember which one, but I know I had to take nearly the whole bottle, either 60 or 90 caps, each time. Huge doses of cod liver oil are helpful for eyes as well. I decreased my prescription big time many years ago. I am glad you mentioned it again. I have vision problems again and I have had that thought in the back of my head about cod liver oil, and that devil on my shoulder that says, "But it tastes nasty!"

Soy is like huge doses of cod liver oil - subjects to debate. I have heard all the stories about soy, and I am undecided on it. But each of us have receptors in our bodies for different things. For example, if we are in pain in our foot, and we have a deep back massage, it will help the pain because both massage and pain use the same receptors. Soy, a weaker estrogen, will fill up the estrogen receptor and when you body pours out estrogen, which is it and you can see it by all the blood, and the estrogen will not be able to enter. You have no body fat, so you are not making estrogen from the fat in your body. That is why I said you won't need as much soy as someone who was hemorrhaging blood. The only other food I know that helps excess estrogen is wheat bran, and you may want to toss that into your diet somewhere. It will also help the constipation. I was horrified the first time I read all the bad stuff about soy, because I was taking a Herbalife soy protein powder, and I knew it really helped me, AND...I raised my son on soy formula. He was super healthy as a child, no cavities, great eyesight, and that has followed him into adulthood. I credit whatever health problems he now has to the gallon of Diet Pepsi he drinks each day. But he is a tennis professional and is still pretty healthy. I now use a whey protein powder, but it does not satisfy the appetite as soy protein powder does.

I did forget one thing to address in my post last night. You can eliminate hemorrhoids with the same Colloidal Silver soaked cotton ball therapy as for vaginal candida. Either hold it on the anal area for six minutes, or insert, depending if the hemorrhoids are internal or external. Silver is a miracle worker, and one or two applications at most are all it takes. It doesn't eliminate the cause, which is constipation, but probiotics and magnesium should take care of that.

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