Consideration by Infinitelove ..... Law of Attraction Forum: The Secret
Date: 12/30/2007 7:31:56 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 1,040
".. you have learned to hold your vibration in the place that matches your desire. Basically you have one function that breaks down into two activities. The two activities are: Line up your Energy. And realign it if it gets out of alignment."
A recurring question in my mind is this:
When Abraham refers to holding your vibration upon that which you desire, coming from a comparable analogy, I think of a frequency generator - something like a Rife machine - which uses a specific frequency in order to zap a virus. Using the example of Candida, a frequency generator would be set at 386 KHz (which matches the frequency of the Candida virus) for 3 minutes. How can humans identify the frequency of our desires?
If I desire a perfect mate, one that I've specifically identified by qualities I've written down, how do I match - identify - his vibration?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a frequency list of all the known physical things in the universe that anyone could ever attain to in order to reference that which we desired?
Perhaps simply desiring vibrational alignment with Source would cover it all?
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