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Re: Oily urine? by knows ..... Ask Dr. Sutter

Date:   12/30/2007 1:58:41 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   10,269

Spirit of play. That's ultimately what we are trying to achieve. Not easy to do when so sick.

Thoughts... How do you maintain the correct thoughts??? The easiest way I know is to keep good things in front of you. Inspirational stuff. What it comes down to is: YOU are the only one who has the RIGHT to program YOU. Period, end of sentence. Seek the truth and let that elivate you.

You choose what you are going to read, what you are going to watch on TV, listen to on the radio, WHAT GOES INTO YOUR MIND. It's the old "garbage in, garbage out".

Meditation I really don't agree with. The theory seems to be to empty the mind when what people really need is to activate their minds and guard what goes into it. Of course when the world gets too hectic and you've been on the front lines way too long calming the mind is essential. But most folks doen't really know what real stress is and create most of their problems to avoid boredom.

Not so with the seriously ill. I needed help, was very desparate for help. When you've been humbled to the point where you recognize you need help you don't need to calm the mind down you need to activate it. You need to develop the ability to see what you are looking at without being told what you are seeing. Get rid of all the preconcieved ideas, all the prejudises, all the "expert" advise. Go with what works. You know - truth.

So I don't agree with meditation to calm the mind down, empty the mind, allow it to be used by anyone but you. That can get very tricky and I don't advise it.

What I do advise is to look. Look at everything. Take all the problems you have one at a time and look at it. Completely confront it. Trust yourself to come up with the resolution to any and all problems you might have. Including allowing others to solve the problems they gave to you to solve or at least have joint custody of so they wouldn't have to do it alone.

As you're resolving all these issues seek good councel. You can't be right in everything although you are right in most things. I have three people in my life that I can rely on for good advise. Not the kind of advise where they say what I want to hear. I get their honest opinion on whatever topic I might have. You don't want "yes men" around you for that.

I envisioned myself in a room with a big fan at one end. Scattered about the room were all these pieces of paper with one of my problems on it. All I did is turn the fan on and grabbed whatever piece of paper I could and solved the problem I had written on that piece of paper. Some problems were big, some not so big. Some needed considerable time to reslove or at least a plan to resolve them, others were easy to resolve. Some I had to seek advise on, some not. It took some time but eventually ALL problems were solved. Or at least I had a plan that would resolve the problem.

You don't do that by mediating on it you do that by looking and using your mind to confront and solve the problems.

You don't have to re-invent the wheel either. There ARE people out there that know how to handle many of the specific problems you have. The trick is to find who you can trust. The medics can't be trusted for sure or the politicians, or the politicaly correct crowd. So there are web sites like this one, and others, where the truth can be known.

But meditaion? Be careful, I'd rather be the one in complete control of what goes into, and out of, my mind.

Inspirational stuff or fun stuff. And don't underestimate the power of fun and laughter. Very powerfull healing tools. One of my favorite things to tell folks in the office is: "Go have sone fun, it's the best adjustment you can give yourself".

My favorite show on TV right now is "Holmes on Homes". It's great. Mike Holmes goes into these houses that weren't put together properly or remodeled properly and "makes it right". He tears everything out, redoes the whole thing so it's perfect. I love it. That's inspirational for me.

Also where the forensic guys go after and solve the perfect crime the guy thought he got away with.

My favorite comedians right now are Louis Black, Ron White and that Dunham guy with the puppets. It's great - got to laugh...

So I don't advise meditation. If you need a break from everything get out in nature and take a look around. You can find beauty everywhere, even in the dead of Winter.

Get to the point where you CAN see what you are looking at without anyone, anywhere telling you what you are viewing. Activate your mind, don't put it to sleep. Keep inspirational stuff in front of you, "I can, I will, I must" type stuff. Then you can indeed live in a spirit of play.

Doc Sutter

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