Re: dreams by HennaHead ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 12/27/2007 2:08:30 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 1,837
Thanks for sharing your dreams. I've wanted to do so myself but leary as to the response. I once dreamed about a dinosaur chasing me at high speed and when it finally caught up to me, it turned it's head side ways so that I was eye to eye with only one of it's eyes. It then spoke to me through thought that came out of it's eye to mine and said "Did you remember to take your iodine?" As it turned out, I suddenly woke up and realized it was Trapper's eye from his avatar. I laid there trying to remember if I had taken Iodine the day before.
I've had several other strange ones too but this is the funniest of them all.
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