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Re: day 3 - with herbal tea - Still a water fast dambit!! by Fonty ..... Fasting: Water Only

Date:   12/26/2007 5:15:07 PM ( 18 y ago)
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I do not agree personally with taking teas with your fast, and you may yet find it uncomfortable as you fast for longer but as you say there are no calories so if it works for you that way good luck and keep us posted.

You say you are Vegan and obviously not very much overweight at all. I was in a similar position on my 30 day fast many years ago when I went through it working full time and doing strenuous karate lessons several times a week, including a full on instructor's class. The detox symptoms were hardly noticeable. When not working or karate-ing I took it easy, being extra careful due to the constant slight dizzyness but not letting it get in the way of my normal day to day life. I rode a motor bike safely also the whole time also in spite of the dizzyness which never effected my balance or otherwise impaired my riding ability. If anything I was more aware and switched on than ever before.

The point is that if you have been eating mostly healthy, then depending what you were actually bingeing on to increase your weight you may get by with very little discomfort for your fast. There are some healthy people that have made display fasts of many weeks boasting their strength all the way through and at the end, one bodybuilder in particular who made long standing world records after one extended fast. It is only real pigs like me who have been comfort eating chocolates and soft drinks of all description who have to suffer the real difficult detox symptoms. ;)

So here's wishing you a trouble free fast. Good luck!


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