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--Probiotics or Bacteria vs Fungi--Yeast?--Series-- by moreless ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance

Date:   12/26/2007 4:02:42 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   2,701

Hi Ya'll,

This subject may be mis-understood by most folks?

So, in an attempt to share some ideas, which may help some to come to better understanding of these subjects, i am re-posting some past posts on the subjects here:

Hi Ya'll,
As some of you have gotten very frustrated over my comments about the Acid
Alkaline pH Balancing idea and it's relationship to Candida, may I suggest an
idea for you to learn for your self about it.

Of course this may require a considerable amount of time for you if you are to
learn for your self.

Now, find you a forest which has not been bothered by mankind for quite some
You will need pH testing equipment!

In nature the creator made things so they may be in a continuos cycle and last
Life to death and back to life again!

Now just how may this be possible?

It could not be possible unless there is a control mechanism, for if there was
no control mechanism, then when something Died and started to Decay everything
would turn into Hydrocarbons!!!

Now if everything turned into Hydrocarbons, the earth would all be a ball of oil

So for this complete cycle of Death to Birth to growth and then maturity and
back to death again, and then back to life again, to ever have a chance of
working, there must be a way so everything does not convert to Hydrocarbons.
For we must have organic matter and soil life that will convert back into life

The only way for this to happen is that as the bacteria does its job of creating
acids to break down alkaline minerals so that there is a Energy Release which is
what then allows for the process of Ionization to take place to create New Life
again, that also there is a mechanism which prevents the cycle from getting too
Acidic and creating only Hydrocarbons!!

This part of the cycle is the job of the Fungi and it's buddy's, for if nature
is allowed to do it's job correctly, then as the bacteria causes the condition
to become acidic to a certain point,then the bacteria will go dormant, so to
speak,and then the Fungi starts up and does it's job of bringing the cycle back
into a more alkaline side of the condition!!

As the fungi bring the cycle to one of more Alkaline in nature, then the Fungi
will go dormant and the Bacteria will start up again and start working and
causing more acids to be produced , thus Lowering the pH to one of more Acid

This only works properly if the correct food supply is available!!

If too much protein is present, then a condition of putrification may take

If there is too much simple carbohydrates, this creates another condition, and
so on , just like in the Human body!!

Now back to the subject of learning about this in a forest.
A person may prove all this to themself if they want to by testing the litter
floor of the forest and all of the different litter which decays and measure
what grows at different times, depending on it's food supply, if it be Bacteria
which grow or Fungi which grows!!

And you may test and see which pH is needed for each different subject to grow!

So you do not have to believe me or anyone else if you really want to check it
out for your own self and be 100% sure!!

But this process works the same , no matter if it is the soil life we are
talking about or the digestion in a cows gut or the digestion in the human body.

It is all about the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing!

Smile Tis your choice what you want to believe, but that does not change the
FACTS about how it REALLY works!!!!!!

Hi Ya'll,

There are many speculations about herbs and what they may do for a person etc !

Much research has been done and some people have jumped on this band wagon or
that band wagon as to the Benefits, or Not, of using Herbs !

As I have said before "EVERYTHING" in the entire universe is controlled by the
Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles and there is "NOTHING" that exist, which
is not Regulated by these Principles !

As to "WHY" some Herbs may work to "STOP" infection or Bacteria etc in the body,
the Reason may be in how they effect the pH of the Media involved !

In Nature, Bacteria create Acids as they Digest what ever they are working on !

Then when the Media becomes too Acidic, these Bacteria cease to operate and then
the Fungi Life forms take over and began to re-balance the Media to a more
Alkaline Nature !

And there is always this back and forth Balancing act to keep Life in existance
on this Planet called Earth !

"IF" this was "NOT" so, then the bacteria would Digest "ALL" Life forms into an
Acid and Life would cease to exist on Planet Earth !

Also we have what is called Aerobic Bacteria,or the Good or Friendly Bacteria,
which is Oxygen Breathing Bacteria, which must have enough Abundant supply of
Oxygen to Live !

And it may be this Good or Friendly Bacteria which the Digestive system "MUST"
have to do it's job properly of Creating the Release of Elecrto-magnetic Energy
in the Digestive system , because it is what may Release Acids in the stomach,
beside the HCL used by the stomach to Help Digest the foods we choose to eat !

And we also have what is called Anerobic Bacteria, or Harmful or Bad Bacteria ,
which is Bacteria which Lives in Oxygen Restricted Media conditions and this
kind of Bacteria may Cause the body many problems !

So, what does an Herb have to do with this , anyway ?

Some Herbs have the ability to be Highly Alkalizing, which may mean that they
may Cause the body to be able to carry much more Oxygen, by the use of these
Herbs !

So, when these Herbs Cause the body to be able to carry much more Oxygen, just
what do you suppose this does to the pH of the body ?

Oxygen is Alkaline and a powerful Oxidizer, which means that in Oxygen's
presents, the media involved may become more Alkaline in Nature, thus the pH of
the Media is Raised !

And when the pH is Raised these Anerobic Bacteria do "NOT" Live, which in turn
means that the pH of the media may be Raised some more !

So, this is "WHY" that some herbs may work to help Heal the body, because of
their ability to alter the pH of the Media to the Alkaline side, in which they
are involved !

When the pH is Caused to drop too low by the anerobic Bacteria, this may Create
Hydrocarbons of the Benzene form and these may be Poisonous to the body !

Do you want your body to turn into petroleum ?

Did you never wonder how petroleum was formed ?

So, when some herbs Help the body to Heal, it may be because of them Causing the
pH of the media to change, thus not allowing certain Harmful Bacteria to Live !

It is "NOT" so much that these Herbs "KILL" organisms, as it is that they just
"CHANGE" the pH of the media and this then either allows certain Life forms to
Live or Not Live , because of the Supply of Oxygen or Lack of Oxygen thereof !

"WHY" do people always think about "KILLING" something they do "NOT" understand

For "IF" people would have Proper understanding and come to realize that all
they need to do is Cause the pH to change, and that this will then Cause the
condition to also change, and this change may depend upon what Alkaline Minerals
or other they use to change the pH with, as to the Results which may come about
from the pH change !

Isn't it so "SIMPLE" ?

Maybe it Depends upon just how "WE" Percieve it to be ?

As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be ?

Smile Tis your choice.

Hi Ya'll,

Many people seem to think that Bacteria is something to be afraid of ?

"WHY" could this be ?

"WHAT" have people been taught to believe in school, which has been Mis-leading

Bacteria is a Natural part of life !

Bacteria are what help Dead matter to Decay down into Organic Matter to help
Create New Life in the cycles of Life on Earth !

So, what is the problem ?

Could it be that some Bacteria is of the type called Anerobic Bacteria, which
Lives and Grows without the presents of much Oxygen, and this kind of Bacteria
may Cause Putrification, instead of building of Organic Matter !

"WHAT" would happen if all Decaying matter turned into a Putrified mess ?

What would happen if when you got a Boil or infection, that your body started to
Break down into Putrification and just Liquidfied ?

How do you suppose the foods in your Digestive system get Broken down ?

Can you show me the grinders in your stomach, which grind the foods down ?

Or could it be that Bacteria are what break the foods down in your stomach ?

As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be !

So, could some Bacteria be Good for us ?

And other bacteria not be so good for us ?

What determines if we have the Good Bacteria in our bodys working for us ?

Rather than having Bad Bacteria, which may eat us up ?

Smile Tis your choice.

Hi Crazyakta,

Your quote: "The acidity of buttermilk explains its long refrigerator shelf
life. Acid is a natural preservative because it inhibits the growth of
pathogenic bacteria."

for making buttermilk at

i thought acidity harbors bacteria and parasites?

End of your quote.

Answer: When a person does "NOT" understand even the Basics of Life and how it
functions on the Base Level as in the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles, as
is this case, then the Reason so "MANY" people may have trouble of grasping
"WHY" things may be as they are !

As I have commented many times that the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles
control "Everything" in the entire universe, or may we say that there is
"Nothing" which is not controled by these Principles in the entire universe !

Now back to your question and the answer as "WHY" !

Bacteria and Fungi are two opposites, providing the cycles of Life with Balance
in the Acid Alkaline pH cycles !

Bacteria Creates Acids as they work on and Break down Life as it may be called !

Fungi Creates an Alkaline condition as it works to break down Life in it's
cycles !

Both are needed to Create Life of a Carbohydrate Base, which may produce Humus
or may one say a Live Carbon Based Organic Soil Life to support the Rest of Life
on Earth !

Without this built in system of self-regulation, Life as we know it on Planet
Earth would soon "Cease" to Exist !

In other words people would "ALL" "Die" off !

"WHY" would this happen ?

It would happen, because without this Balance of control, the bacteria would
"Eat" and Destroy every Living thing on the Planet and turn it into Hydrocarbons

What good would "ALL" the Oil in the world be, if there were "NO" one to use it

For left unchecked, Bacteria may take the Decay process of Organic matter down
into the Hydrocarbon cycle and enter into the Benzene forms of matter, which is
where that Crude Oil is at !

So, what we have is that the bacteria , in the process of Breaking down organic
matter, Cause the media to become very Acidic , thus Causing Life functions to
"STOP" functioning, thus Causing a Preservation to take place !

Just look at apple cider vinegar and how it keeps so very nice without
refrigeration, this is because of it's Acidity !

What happens is that when the Bacteria have Decayed or broken the organic matter
down to an Acidic Level Low enough, then these bacteria have done their job, and
they "STOP" working and the media is preserved in this Acidic state !

But if the Correct conditions may come to exist , then the Fungi may come in and
work to Raise the pH of this Acidic media, for it is the job of the Fungi to
Balance the pH of the Media, to "STOP" the Life media from becomming too Acidic
and "STOP" Living , thus going into a State of Preservation !

As far as what are Bacteria and Parasites ?

I guess it depends upon what a person understands about the cycle of Life as to
what one may call them to be ?

For, if you look at Nature and see when an animal may get cut, etc and flies may
lay eggs on the wound and then Larve may eat the Rotting Flesh to clean it out
and then the wound may come to Heal, "if" there is enough of a supply of
Alkaline Minerals in the animals Diet to provide for the Rebuilding of it's own
Flesh, so that it may Recover and Heal it's wound !

But, if the animal does "NOT" get the needed Alkaline Minerals in it's Diet to
help it's body Rebuild and Repair it's self, then this animal may become too
Acidic and "DIE" from it's wounds !

For then the Bacteria may be Considered "Parasites" ?

Human-beings may have the "SAME" Problem !

Thus the cycles of Life go on !

Isn't that so Simple ?

Smile Tis your choice.


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