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Date:   12/11/2007 10:53:19 AM ( 17 y ago)
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Upon further review, the url link included in the first post refers to a page that contains it's own embedded source links that no longer works.

Upon backchecking through 'wayback' Internet Archive, it is still found by way of various indexes. The most recent index itself is broken but the below web page was accessed using the August 6 2004 index,. The HTML content is there but the pictures embedded in it are not.

It is interesting what can be found while poking around stuff that is apparently gone with the wind, broken, whatnot. For instance, one can get to the original (now gone) web site home page by poking around the broken picture links in the above archived web page. That home page includes various embedded refernces to other articles with other pictures. The pictures were not indexed, but the articles were. Here is the trail of one - one click starting from the home page, where is found the text  Here's an item about modern history, in particular about Pancho Villa, Osama bin Laden, President Woodrow Wilson, and George W. Bush:


Pancho Villa?s Skull


Steve Bartholomew

In the days following the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, there was this statement repeated numerous times in the media:  ?This is the first time since the War of 1812 that enemy forces have attacked the Continental United States.? 

That assertion must have come as a surprise to the residents of Columbus, New Mexico, who still recall Pancho Villa?s raid on March 9, 1916.  In fact, there is a State park named after Villa.  Passage of time changes viewpoint.  We are not yet ready to name a park after Osama bin Laden.

Villa?s raid, of course, pales in comparison to ?9/11.?  Villa managed to kill only 17 Americans, while his own men endured over 200 casualties.  Yet the Villa affair was like a rehearsal for what was to come nearly a century later. 

After the raid, America was outraged.  Young men from all over the country volunteered for military service.  A punitive expedition was mounted, led by General John ?Blackjack? Pershing.  This was an opportunity for the U.S. Army to try out its latest hi-tech equipment, such as motorized vehicles and airplanes.  Pershing announced that this was going to be good training.  For the following nine months, he pursued Villa relentlessly through the deserts and wilds of Mexico.  Pershing never did find Villa.

 Does any of this sound at all familiar?

Eventually, much later, Pancho Villa was assassinated by a rival Mexican gang.  His raid on New Mexico had resulted in mobilization of America?s military and preparation for entry into a wider war ? World War I, known at the time as the War to End Wars.  Osama bin Laden?s raid resulted in mobilization of America?s military and preparation for entry into a wider war ? the War on Terrorism. 

When I first perceived these parallels, I remembered the oft-quoted saying of Unamuno that those who do not read history are doomed to relive it.  Then I modified the saying:  ?History repeats, but no one seems to notice.? 

Then, out of curiosity, I began to pursue the matter of Francisco ?Pancho? Villa more deeply.  The closer I looked, the more coincidences and parallels began to appear.  I soon realized that they amount to more than curiosity.  In fact, the historical similarities here are what might be termed a phenomenon.  It is as if the script of an old Broadway play has been updated and newly produced for the benefit of a modern audience.  In the following pages, my aim is to prove only that this phenomenon exists.  I leave interpretation to philosophers and others. 

A good place to begin is with the character of Villa himself.  Villa was a guerilla fighter with a great popular following, who attacked the United States because he had come to hate Americans.  But he was not always like this. 

  Unlike Osama bin Laden, Villa was born to a poor family.  His birthday was June 5, but it?s uncertain whether he was born in 1877, 1878 or 1879.  I was surprised to learn that his real name was Dorothy.   Well, actually Doroteo, which is an acceptable male Hispanic name.  He changed his name from Doroteo Arango to Francisco Villa when, as a teenager, he found it necessary to avoid the Police after having murdered a wealthy landowner for raping his sister.  Villa began fighting oppression at a young age. 

He was later to develop into a complex and contradictory character, at once a folk hero and revolutionary as well as a gangster and stone-cold killer. 

The previous sentence might apply equally as well to Osama bin Laden. 

However, before I get to our modern-day villains, I wish to make a few more observations on Villa and his times. 

Perhaps, after all, there is something to this idea of reincarnation.  Perhaps all the major players in this tragedy were here before and now are reenacting the same roles, stuck permanently in their bad karma.  Unfortunately, it is a karma shared by the world around them, which seems never to learn the old lessons. 

 Francisco Villa in Mexico has the air of a folk hero, a modern Robin Hood, who stole from the rich and gave to the poor.  In fact, he often did that.  The legend is true as far as it goes. 

  Mexico around the turn of the 19th century in many ways resembled Afghanistan at the turn of the 20th.  Different regions were prone to fall under control of local warlords, at war with each other and with outsiders.  The high stakes were oil and land. 

Villa came to prominence during the revolt against Porfirio Diaz, a tyrant nearly as oppressive as the Taliban.  Francisco Madero, an honest and genuinely saintly man, ran against him in a National election and lost.  The election was obviously rigged, Madero receiving only 10% of the vote. 

The Mexican people have never had much patience with tyranny.  In 1910 they rose up in arms against Diaz.  Villa went to war on Madero?s side. 

Some of the biographies of Villa describe him as having run a ?butcher shop? before the revolution.  In reality, he was dealing in stolen cattle.  Northern Mexico had vast herds of range cattle, and there was a good market for them across the border.  If Villa had lived in Chicago, he might have been another Al Capone.  There are numerous stories of his having people killed on a whim, and of using torture on particular enemies.  Be that as it may, Villa already had a small army organized at the outbreak of revolution.  He was willing to ride into battle at the head of his troops, and his men demonstrated a fierce loyalty to him. 

Madero won the revolution and began to implement a progressive and humane program of government.  If he had survived, history would no doubt have been quite different.  But he governed for only two years; one of his own generals, reluctant to surrender his power to the Mexican people, had him assassinated and took control.  This was Victoriano Huerta, who shares a number of qualities with Saddam Hussein.  He stole the government of Mexico from the people in 1913, and then sought diplomatic recognition from the United States. 

The U.S. meanwhile was governed by President Woodrow Wilson.  Wilson was the George W. Bush of his time.  They share many things in common, but I don?t wish to imply that President Bush is as completely evil as Wilson was.

I find it curious and remarkable, how our popular history books have rewritten the past to turn Woodrow Wilson into a Good Guy.  We even have high schools named after him.  Our popular image of Wilson is that he tried to prevent war, supported the League of Nations, and was responsible for numerous progressive reforms.  The reality was quite different.  The reality is that most of America?s major problems of the last century could be laid at Wilson?s door.

Wilson got to the White House in a manner similar to G.W. Bush?s route.  Bush ran against Al Gore in an extremely close election.  Also in the race was a third party, the Greens, with Ralph Nader as candidate.  After the fact, there were many claims that Nader drew enough votes away from the Democrats in Florida to cost Gore the election.  Bush did not receive a majority of the popular vote.

Neither did Wilson.  In 1912, Wilson was the Democrat running against William Howard Taft, Republican.  Ever since Lincoln, Republicans had been considered the liberal, progressive party, while the Democrats were reactionaries dominated by Southern White racists and by big-time bankers. 

Theodore Roosevelt thought Taft was too conservative.  Roosevelt tried and failed to get the Republican nomination, so he walked out to form his own third party, the Progressive Party, often referred to as the Bull Moose Party.  T.R. received a great deal of financial support from friends of J.P. Morgan, who wanted Wilson elected.  Wilson was a friend of Morgan, and had been part of the banking community for years. 

Wilson won the election with fewer popular votes than the other two candidates combined, but with a majority of electoral votes.  The United States would never be the same again.

That was in November of 1912.  Madero was deposed in February of the following year.  The underlying issues were land and oil.  Mexicans wanted the large estates broken up and distributed to small family farmers.  They also wanted Mexico?s vast petroleum reserves secured for Mexico ? in other words, nationalized.  Pancho Villa, along with Zapata and others, went to war again. 

Huerta opposed nationalization, so Wilson might have been willing to recognize his government.  However, it was clear that this would result in further civil strife.  No one wants to conduct business in the middle of a civil war.  Wilson gave out the impression that he was reluctant to recognize Huerta because Wilson was opposed to dictatorship.  Regardless of the true reasons, President Wilson chose to support Huerta?s opposition, which included Francisco Villa, among others. 

Here is where the fate lines of Francisco Villa, Osama bin Laden, Wilson and Bush begin to converge.  Villa and bin Laden are revolutionary folk heroes, fighting oppression against great odds.  Both are supported and encouraged by the United States. Villa continues to support the U.S. even when Wilson invades Mexico.

Many Americans are still surprised to learn that Woodrow Wilson invaded Mexico.  Many of Wilson?s biographers claim that he stood for morality, peace, and self-determination for small countries. 

George W. Bush?s critics have accused him of advocating a national policy of perpetual warfare.  If this is true, at least Bush has not attempted to conceal the fact.  Wilson, on the other hand, had perfected the art of claiming one thing and doing the opposite.  Wilson had got himself elected with a promise to keep America out of war. 

Here is a list of countries invaded by the U.S. during Wilson?s administration:



1.                    Mexico ? 1914.

2.                    Haiti ? 1915

3.                    Dominican Republic ? 1916

4.                    Mexico ? 1916, and an additional nine times.

5.                    Cuba ? 1917

6.                    Panama ? 1918

7.                    Russia ? 1918

      This was all in addition to sending American forces to Europe during World War I. It was also in addition to a continuous occupation of Nicaragua. 

        I maintain it was this period of history which set the stage for a majority of problems encountered by America during the following century.  During the conference of the Treaty of Versailles, a youthful Ho Chi Minh approached Wilson and pleaded for independence for Vietnam.  Wilson refused to listen.  Wilson?s was a fundamentally imperialist viewpoint.  It was Wilson?s policy which led ultimately to the Vietnam War.   One can as well make a plausible case that it was Wilson?s invasion of Russia which led to the Cold War.  After all, why would the Russians trust the U.S.?  It was our intervention which strengthened the hands of men like Stalin, in opposition to moderates like Trotsky. 

      Another accusation leveled against Bush is that he has sought to restrict Civil Liberties and that he threatens the Bill of Rights.  If this is true, he still has a long way to go to match Wilson?s record.  It was Wilson?s policies which enabled the infamous Palmer Raids that rounded up aliens and political dissidents with no pretense of due process.  Bush, at least, has not yet been proven racist or sexist.  Wilson introduced segregation of the Federal Government, which had been fully integrated since the Civil War.  He also opposed voting rights for women as long as he could get away with it.  Wilson managed to set race relations back in America at least fifty years. 

     All this is only background to an understanding of the relationships between Woodrow Wilson, Pancho Villa, G.W. Bush, and Osama bin Laden.  It is more complex than a war of Good against Evil, though both of those elements play a part. 

       In 1914, Wilson sent the U.S. Navy to occupy the port of Veracruz.  His stated reason was to cut off Huerta?s supply of arms.  More likely, it was an attempt to find out how easy it would be to assert U.S. control over Mexico?s politics, as he had already done in Nicaragua, Cuba and Haiti.  But Mexico was not so easy.   Both sides strenuously denounced the American occupation.  That is, except for Francisco Villa.  Villa was still under the illusion that Wilson was a friend of his, and that he could count on American support.  He was soon to be disillusioned.

       This essay is not intended to be a reprise of Mexican history; those interested may investigate a wealth of source material, too numerous to mention here.  However, the incident referred to above ? the American occupation of Veracruz ? provides an insight into history which I believe has been largely overlooked by most writers.  This episode lends support to my claim that Wilson, Bush, Villa and Osama have all  been fighting in the same war. 

       To make this clear, we must go back two years, to Villa?s activities in 1912. 

        For a long time, I was puzzled about exactly when and for what reason Wilson?s government decided to back the leadership of General Carranza and to oppose Villa.  Villa had after all been loyal to the United States until being defeated by Carranza, who turned out to be well-armed with American weapons.  Villa did not start out hating Americans.  There were even yanqui soldiers of fortune fighting on Villa?s side and under his command. 

       What really happened at Veracruz?  This seems to be a classic case of historical cover-up.   

       Wilson?s stated reason for sending the U.S. Navy  Bluejackets to Mexico was to prevent Huerta from obtaining weapons.  ?Because America is opposed to dictatorship.?  What weapons was he referring to? 

      There was a German transport ship in the harbor, loaded with German weapons and munitions.  The U.S. Navy prevented her from unloading her cargo. 

     When, two years later Carranza defeated Villa in the field, Mexicans generally believed he had obtained the weapons from a stockpile left by Americans at Veracruz. 

       Personally, I believe this story is probably true, but I don?t think it an accident.  I don?t believe the U.S. Navy would have left that much weaponry behind by mistake.  I believe that Wilson thought it preferable that Mexican revolutionaries get their supplies from the U.S. than from Germany.  Francisco Villa, in fact, was personally offered assistance by the German ambassador, but chose to decline.  Later, it was an offer by Germany to support Mexico in a war against the U.S. that finally led to America entering the World War.  (Look up ?the Zimmerman Telegram,? of 1917. 

      But it gets even more complicated. 

       In 1912, Francisco Villa was de facto Governor of the State of Chihuahua.  This was the high point of his career. 

       Northern Mexico, however, was in a terrible economic condition.  As a result of previous banking policies, there was a shortage of monetary currency.  (Villa, by the way, hated bankers, making it a practice to hang all bankers in newly captured towns.)  Many people were hiding any gold or silver money they might possess, as well as pesos issued by the official government.  As a result, farmers could not sell their produce because there was no money to buy it with.  Famine in the midst of plenty raised its head. 

       Villa had a simple and courageous solution.  ?If all they need is money,? he declared, ?let?s print some!?

       Which is what he proceeded to do.  Villa issued his own currency and put forth a decree forcing people to accept it.  His solution worked; commerce resumed, people began to buy and sell again.  Starvation was averted and the local economy began to boom. 

      Later, this paper currency came to be known as ?Pancho Villa money.?  Some of it still exists and is a collector?s item.

      In my opinion, this episode was Villa?s original sin in the eyes of President Wilson. 

       It was Wilson, remember, who was later to set up the Federal Reserve.  Every president before him had been opposed to the creation of a central bank.  The majority of historical authors mention the ?Fed? as one of Wilson?s great, positive accomplishments.  I find this baffling.  The Fed has resulted in enormous national debt to the World Bank and the World Monetary Fund, an organization which has brought economic disaster to every nation coerced into joining it.

       Historically, there have been only two U.S. Presidents who took the step of issuing ?fiat currency,? that is, a currency not indebted to the international banking system.   These were Lincoln and J.F. Kennedy. 

       Look what happened to them

      Look what happened to Villa. 

       There should by now be some apparent similarities between Villa and Osama.  Although they came from totally different backgrounds, they followed similar paths.  Each stood for nationalism and independence.  It is no secret that the United States, through the CIA, provided financial and political support to bin Laden when he was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan.  The U.S. also supported Villa in his early days; General Pershing in fact was on friendly terms with Villa and they were often photographed together. 

       Osama turned against America when he decided the U.S. should get out of his native country, Saudi Arabia.  Villa of course wanted America out of Mexico.

        Also of interest are the similar manners in which Wilson and Bush were elected to office.  Remember that Wilson gained the White House because of a third party candidate who split the Republican vote. 

       Bush was elected in part as the result of a third party candidate ? Ralph Nader ? who split the Democrat vote in Florida.  No doubt coincidence, but interesting. 

        Villa?s raid on Columbus, N.M. produced a profound reaction in the American public.  If it is true that Wilson orchestrated the entire event, then in this respect the raid could be deemed a success, if such a reaction was the desired outcome.  But from Villa?s viewpoint it was a failure.  Although his troops fired and devastated the town, only 17 Americans were killed.  Villa lost over 200 men.  Although caught by surprise, the American army reacted quickly and effectively. 

       One theory about this raid is that Villa was really looking for a particular individual, an American swindler who had sold him a large quantity of movie blank bullets in lieu of genuine ammunition.  If true, this was also a failure, since that gentleman was not in town that day. 

       Perhaps this surprise attack was an example of ?intelligence failure? on the part of the U.S.  In any case, Pershing never caught up with Villa, but he did get a chance to test his new equipment and to train his men. 

       The U.S. hasn?t caught bin Laden yet, but the military is certainly getting a lot of training and experience. 

      Finally, I want to put forth one final link between these two historical persons, between Pancho Villa and George W. Bush:

      This is an item for conspiracy buffs.  I am embarrassed to mention this ? but I can?t resist. 

      I believe it is well known that G.W. Bush, like his father, was a member of the Skull and Bones Society while at Yale.  This is a secret society often suspected of being in league with the Illuminati and other such esoteric organizations.  Be that as it may, it was not long ago that an independent investigator succeeded in videotaping the ?Skull?s? secret initiation ritual.  In part of this rite, the initiate is made to kiss a human skull.

     What is the significance of this fact in the present context?

       Only this:  According to a widely believed legend, a member of the Skull and Bones Society at some time in the 1930?s traveled to Mexico, opened Villa?s tomb, and stole his skull.

     Villa?s skull is said to be on permanent display in the secret headquarters of Skull and Bones. 

      Was it Pancho Villa?s skull that the future President G.W. Bush kissed?

      I would like to think so.

      I believe Pancho Villa would like to think so too. 




Lies My Teacher Told me, James W. Loewen, Touchstone 1996.


Rule by Secrecy, Jim Marrs, Harper Collins, 2000







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