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Re: MMS-The most powerfull healing protocol to date! by InCharge ..... Herpes Simplex 1 Forum

Date:   12/6/2007 11:15:03 PM ( 17 y ago)
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"Thirty miles away from where I lived in the town of Mina is the town

of Hawthorne, Nevada. There I met J. Andrew Nehring, a man that

ran a small hobby shop. He had just returned from the Mayo Clinic

where he had been operated on for cancer of the pancreas. He was

continuing to be tested at a hospital in a nearby city. Unfortunately,

the tests were still positive for cancer. He had been scheduled for

exploratory surgery in approximately 60 days at the Mayo clinic.

While visiting a mutual friend, he heard me talking about my

solution. He asked me about it and wondered if it would help his

cancer. Since many people had already tried Stabilized Oxygen on

cancer and had what seemed to be some success, I believed that the

addition of vinegar might make it much better for cancer as it had for


We both said why not try it. I had not yet noticed any side effects,

and it is not a drug. So he began taking the solution using vinegar as

the activator. Within two weeks his cancer readings began to reduce.

The high reading was 82 (whatever that meant). At the next visit to

the hospital the reading was 71. A month later the reading was 55.

Two months later it was 29 and so on until the reading was less than

five. The doctors at the hospital didn’t know what happened, but as

soon as the readings began to go down, they canceled the

appointment at the Mayo clinic. They wanted to see what might be

happening. When the reading reached three they said there was no

point in further testing. This is just one of a number of cancer stories

in the past 10 years in which the cancer just went away while taking

the MMS.

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