Urine that smells... by StoryOfMyLife ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 12/4/2007 12:14:23 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 2,285
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1054972
If all of a sudden your urine starts having a strong odor, does that mean you need a kidney cleanse?
I know everyone is going to say "dehydration" and to drink and I will admit I've been slacking on the water..BUT still. I have been way more dehydrated than this and it's been a darker color and didn't have this lingering odor to it.
It's just..weird. Ummm the only other thing I can think of is if my thyroid medication/Armour is finally building up in my system...
My liver has needed a flush for a while but I haven't felt good enough to do it and I don't want to flush the thyroid drugs out of my system cause that'll cause more problems.
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