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Re: Husband's Symptoms....What is it? by frustrated92 ..... Lyme (Lime) Disease Forum

Date:   12/3/2007 5:53:18 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   3,844

You say you eat organic, but is it balanced? Are you vegetarians? What water are you drinking? Are you cleansing (liver, colon, parasite)? How long has he been sick? I am guessing about 5 yrs from your story. Does he have silver dental fillings?

Probably not as balanced as it should be...vegetarians half the time.

Water is only PUR and Britta filtered. No cleansing done at this time.

He had his first onset of neurological symptoms 2 years ago. That bite mark was there for about 5 or so. It now looks like a bruise.

He has very few silver fillings but he really has the symptoms of chemical does his mother. They did live near a chemical plant years ago...that is why this is so hard to figure out. Plus the mold....I was convinced it was mold for a while but I am a crossroads with too many options as many out there are.


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