Re: Stinky Sulfur Award - Pretty Drug Reps and Antidepressants (SSRI's) by LoveFoodTooMuch ..... News Forum
Date: 12/2/2007 8:59:26 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 3,733
Hm, interesting...where did you read that? I would like to know more. Just a comment from personal experience - I have sampled a substantial quantity and variaty of meds (psych kind) and I often feel like either becoming a pharmacutical rep or obtaining a degree in farmachology. Anyhow, what I wanted to incert here might contradict with your statement (We are all unique and respond to meds differently) - I actually felt better mood wise after stopping about 12 different meds altogeather that were supposed to improve my mood. What do you know?! Unfortunatly, my newlly discovered independence of psychotropics lasted only about a month or so before the blues came back to slowllow me whole.
That's just a thought. It's all open for discussion.
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