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Re: Biliary function - Heads-up by fledgling ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   11/30/2007 11:39:54 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   10,297

Thanks so much, Telman.

This is quite a system to get ones mind around!

Searching and reading leads me to understanding only up to a point, then my brain starts simplifying and sticking on certain details which seem to answer.

For example, someone mentioned that the whole thing hinges on the anticipation of eating a particular food, or combination.

If we see it, smell or taste it, or remember the last time we had it, the whole system prepares to receive and digest it...they say.

I don't know if you agree, but my tricky mind jumps on the idea that, if there is a change in the components of the food, or a perceived change, the body must adjust to suit.

That then raises questions about what was considered 'good' food in ones childhood home; and what advertising does to the digestive system...particularly on this North American side of the world where advertising is rampant.

My husband, for one, was not required to eat greens as a child. His family just didn't think of them. Then, at 17, he became an airman in the RCAF and RAF, and had to eat what military nutritionists considered wholesome, as available, or go hungry.

Plus, the boys got into some very unusual things. He likes to tell about some goose eggs they got their hands on and cooked on a shovel over the fire, where the geese had been eating acorns. Green and bitter!

Besides the quantities of beer they were unused to, a few got into a keg of 200 year-old whiskey in Kilmarnock, one thimbleful each.

Then there was smoking. And traveling to twenty-one different countries in four years on Transport Command. And gyppie gut. (Sp?) And various 'dosages' they had to take. And excitement and fear.

No wonder they remember those days!

Perhaps that's why dh is able to return to his habits of 'no greens' and remain as healthy as a horse, and very active, sixty-something years later...he has built a cast-iron constitution.

The body and mind combination is a marvelous creation.

Thanks so much for helping us understand. You are reaching far more people than you know.

My best,


That bit about cabbage causing biliary colic is a 'heads up' to me. Eating up the cabbages from the garden, I have stuck to cabbage and eggs for breakfast for quite a while...lately adding a splash of lemon juice; crumbled kelp; brown rice; butter; Celtic grey salt, and, this morning, some minced garlic and ginger. And 'cleansing' with grapefruit juice and castor oil, a little, between meals.

There's an 'explosion' for you. Think I'll give some of it a rest for a while.


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