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Re: State how you first got Ex Cheilitis and how it developed on your lips. by The Ronin ..... Peeling Lips Exfoliative Cheilitis

Date:   11/27/2007 5:34:03 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   3,800

Well I have researched Exfoliative Cheilitis to death and I have learned quite a lot about this (unfortunately not how to cure it lol.) Anyways, I have come to bealive that Candida doesn’t cause EC. I’m not saying that people with EC don’t have Candida most probably they do BUT the Candida doesn’t cause EC Candida probably comes later on and can make it worse but it doesn’t cause it. Once we learned we had EC we tried many topical things on our lips and if you constantly keep your lips wet or moist this is what can cause Candida. I personally don’t think I have Candida and my Derm doesn’t think so either. Just to be safe my Derm gave me some medicine that kills Candida and I also tried a Candida all natural detox. The reason I don’t have Candida is because I really never put anything on my lips. I just put alo vera gelly & Aquaphor the night before I peel but during the day I don’t have anything on. The reason I don’t put anything on my lips is because I get this white line on my lips if I do & because I want my lips to get exposed to the sun because the Sun helps reduce the severity of EC. I read this article where this Dermatologist said that he has had great success with Exfoliative Cheilitis using this medicine called Vytone (antifungal mixed with hydrocortisone). Why do I have EC? The main reason is that I used to be obsessive about my lips all the time. I suffer from the occasional canker sore and I was in boxing. Every time I would get a cut I would get a canker sore. So this made me be paranoid about my lips. Everytime I saw a red spot I would panic and put Abreva on it. Also for a time I would take a lot of Vitamins, this may also have contributed to it. AND Also I picked my lips for years. I found an old picture of myself and I could see in my lips that I was missing skin (with the flash my lips looked red.)

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