Re: It IS relevant! by pb3046 ..... Relationship Support Forum
Date: 11/23/2007 4:03:31 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 2,252
It could be kicking up some stuff, probably bromide, which is certainly better out than in. There are emotional symptoms with bromide detox.
While I look forward to your answer to my previous post, I suggest you read all the FAQs on the Iodine VWT forum. Detox has to be managed and this forum has really good explanations on detox, though a lot of them. Don't just read the bromide detox one, read them all. It will take a long time to go through them, and you may have to read through them several times each.
You may have a real need for lower bowel cleansing and you may have to do it less often in order to manage the detox. But you do need to get that bromide out.
I always say that every cloud has a silver lining and it is always darkest before the dawn! I'd say you are in for a real healing, on many levels.
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