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skin odor from skin bleaching/lightening by fecalodor ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance

Date:   11/18/2007 8:40:39 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   3,535

I developed a skin odor from using a skin bleaching cream and strong germinicidal soap. I believe the cream and soap either destroyed the good bacteria on my skin or bad bacteria developed immunity to the germinicidal soap and proliferated on my skin leading to odor. Also, the skin bleaching agents also thinned my skin so much so that I easily get bruised and I dont know whether an odorous infection came from the fact that my skin easily gets bruised.

Does anyone know what sort of skin infection can make someone smell like they haven't showered? And what kind of medication can be used to eradicate this odor? I notice that anytime I consume baking soda mixed with water and apple cider vinegar, the odor from my skin gets reduced drastically. Also, lowering my sugar intake reduces the odor from my skin. And when I rub apple cider vinegar on my skin overnight and drink apple cider vinegar also, the odor goes away and returns some days after I either stop drinking apple cider vinegar or baking soda or I stop rubbing apple cider vinegar on my skin. Does anyone know what kind of skin infection this is? The good thing is that the skin odor is only coming from my face and I do know that the skin on the face is the softest on the human body so the strong skin bleaching cream and germinicidal soap I was applying on my face must have made it very vulnerable for an odorous infection.

Lastly, I also suffer from a strong anal odor which smells like feces. I dont believe the skin odor from my face and fecal odor from my anus are related though, but who knows?


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