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Re: Does anyone have these symptoms? *share your experiences by UserX ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   11/9/2007 8:46:30 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   1,924

I've had all of those symptoms. Apparently your your liver, lungs and head are congested with little critters. Most of mine are gone now, except for some congestion in my head, which has been getting better since I started chelating the mercury with Iodine.

If your symptoms are getting stirred up during the cleansing parasites, you've found a formula that is working very well for you. Stick with it. You are in control. If the symptoms get too uncomfortable, reduce the dose. If you can tolerate more die off, and you want to speed up the process, increase the dose.

You may need to do several rounds, and routine maintenence is always important. We worm our cats, we worm our dogs, we worm the live stock. The old timers used to worm themselves. Why did they stop?

Because the pharmaceutical industry started patenting drugs, and doctors started telling everybody that herbs were snake oil. Nature's medicine has always been, and will always be, more powerful than something men manufacture for profit. It's time human beings started worming themselves again!

Prevention is the best cure.

*Sounds like flushing the liver and doing coffee enemas could help you a lot, if you are not already doing so.

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