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Edited by #69242 ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   11/5/2007 7:37:29 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   2,157

--"Often, perhaps, but an indefinite statement in the absence of a description of how often, and to what exactly the "how often" pertains."

Nitpick. I know a good Merry-Go-Round that you could reserve a spot on in summer if you'd like to go around in circles. I don't wish to do that.

--"Before we go any further, why don't you explain just exactly what you mean when you say the words "organic origin"

What I mean by organic is size and the type of molecule these elements are attached to for availability. Do you really believe everything is absorbed the same and at the same rate? There are multiple factors that determine this (e. g. the substance itself as well as the individual's genetic makeup). Can I continue?

--"We're not talking about any illnesses here, nor of any cures."

Really?????? That's like saying it doesn't snow in Moscow, they just have flurries. What are you talking about here then? I have certain illnesses I'd like to correct with iodine. Am I alone?

--"I seriously doubt you'll have any luck here convincing people that Iodide is not efficacious."

Now you assume my intent is to convince people of lack of efficacy? That's not true at all. Makes me wonder if you even read what I write. But you are right about one thing: I have no luck. Never was much of a gambler.


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