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Is the English alphabet encoded? by Code9 ..... Numerology Support Forum

Date:   10/29/2007 6:30:26 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   4,690

Over 10 years of exploration into the possibility that the alphabet is somehow encoded in such a way that it can reveal hidden correspondences/associations between certain "case related" words and phrases; a kind of letter/number synchronicity. The results just might be confirmation of this hypothesis. See the work at my website:

I found the number 9 to be a significant key to the code. The number 9 is embedded within the structure of the alphabet itself. It can be found by folding the alphabet in half between the M and the N. This results in 13 pairs of letters. Each pair has an alphanumeric value of 27 which reduces to the single digit value of 9.

AZ=27, BY=27, CX=27, DW=27, EV=27, FU=27, GT=27, HS=27
IR=27, JQ=27, KP=27, LO=27, MN=27

Using the simple code formula of A=1 through Z=26 we find:

THIRTEEN = 99 = 18 = 9
CODE = 27 = 9


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