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Re: Clear scalp for seven years now by rot ..... Folliculitis Forum

Date:   10/28/2007 3:52:57 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   46,908

Hi Jujubee
Thanks for your posting

>Is the Dalacin 150 mg in capsule form that dissolves in the Alchohol once you put it in?

Yes. It was two capsules per bottle. You just split the capsule open (a quick twist) and empty the powder contents onto a piece of paper. Then just pour the powder into the bottle of alcohol. Give it a shake every time you use it. You get about a weeks worth out of one bottle.

>Do you spray it on or apply with a cotton swab or something else?

Cotton swab. Actually I used some of my wife's make-up remover pads to dab on the mixture. Thought it would sting - and it did at first, but then its quite soothing.

>How do you work around the hair on your head when applying?

Sorry - I had just started shaving my head before this intervention. But its just alcohol with clindamyacin... just dab it straight onto the scalp, hair and all.

> Did it actually cure your folliculitis or just bring down the symptoms for you?

Is this THE cure? Dunno. But after the treatment I was fine for the next seven years. Is it because of the shaving, or the clindamycin, or the regular alcohol wipes that I use - I dont know. But it is perfectly clear now. No redness, inflamation, pustules, pain, bleeding, weeping.... just the residual scar tissue.

>Where do you think I might be able to get ahold of some Dalacin and is the Isopropyl Alchohol a kind that you can't get in a regular store?

Your General Practitioner or Dermatologist would be the best one to see about Dalacin or any similar antibiotic. I would stress that this treatment was prescribed to me by my physician - Dr Okamoto (I think), on Kitaoji St near Kitaoji bridge in Kyoto Japan. He gave me the Dalacin and also the Isopropyl alcohol. I would recommend that you discuss this treatment with your own physician. You should be able to buy the isopropyl alcohol at your pharmacist.

>Sorry for so many questions, but I'm anxious to try your solution.

I understand your anxiety. While my condition was active it practically ruled my life. I really hope that this solution helps you - but again, I'm not a doctor. I can only pass on what worked for me.

On a really positive note - this intervention is so cheap. If it doesnt work for your particular condition - you are not spending a fortune on exotic oils and lotions. Before this treatment, I spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on stuff that didnt work. The most that you'll be out of pocket for trying this will be about $20 (plus doctors fees).

Hope this information helps with your questions.

All the best



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