Re: Clear scalp for seven years now by kizzy ..... Folliculitis Forum
Date: 10/25/2007 11:58:22 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 43,028
Hi Rot,
Question for you...What exactly is clindamycin suspended in raw 100% isopropyl alcohol? Are you mixing the pill form into the alcohol and dissolving?
Next thing, did you start shaving your head when you began this treatment or after it was clear? This might sound odd as well but do you shave with an electric razor or blade?
Reason I ask the last question.. Having suffered with this crap for 10+ years I note everything I do now.. A while back I shaved my head to put topical treatments right on the folliculitis and something amazing happened my folliculitis improved to the point it like I am normal (minus the scarring but that is life).
So, I have attributed the topicals direct application as the answer. BUT I also suffer with this condition on my neck now (uggggg). So I have been applying the topicals there now as well but have not see the dramatic results as my head.
For a while now my thoughts were well maybe my head condition was just burning off (like they always tell you will happen someday at the doctors). So I decided to try and let what hair I have left grow back in.. Guess what the folliculitis started coming back again (crappp). Quick shave and some topicals 2 weeks later looks better again minus another blood stained pillow case (wife was not to happy about that one lol).
So that raised a lot of questions in my every wondering mind. WHYYYY... I shave both my neck and my head... but!!! I use an electric razor on my face (sensitive skin) and a headblade razor on my head.. hum odd right.. Well I have always washed my electric razor with soap and water since I worry about spreading bacteria..
So talking with my doctor they suggested as well try shaving your face with a straight razor as well, heck can't hurt to try right? (well maybe hurts my face lol).. So the past 2 weeks now I am getting use to the new razor and you know what my neck looks the best it has been months... odd eh!!! Only thing in my life that has changed is using the straight razor... Could this be a corrulation?
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