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Re: Ive been diagnosed with depression, is there anything i can do cure to myself? A regime? by bluandyelo ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   8/24/2005 6:06:04 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   2,091

Uniquity is right!!! You will find a new life for yourself, full of vibrant happiness and health by following the colon cleansing program and slowly changing over to a clean diet with raw foods. Don't feel discouraged, its a very exciting journey and everyone at curezone is here to support you!

I just got back from seeing a hypnotherapist who told me she had a patient with ulcerative colitis who basically healed all her ulcers and inflammation with visualisations! Like MH (barefoot herbalist) says, once the mind is convinced the body will follow. Do lots of reading and see what feels right for you and keep reading and reading and you will start to see positive changes in your life.



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