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Re: What does the left side of one's body represent? by b2reflect ..... Energy Medicine: Energy Healing Modalities

Date:   10/5/2007 9:25:08 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   10,380

Hi Maya,

Thank you for that information. Yes, I have issues with my femininity. My career choice, in this moment, is not conducive to femaleness. It is a man's job...lifting, pulling, straining heavy doors. I cannot dress 'girly' due to all the bending and straining and such I do. The only time I can dress 'girly' is when I go out, which is slim to none, in this time.

I have made bad choices, in the past, when I have allowed my femaleness to 'rule the path'. Most specifically, that is with men. So, I am working to trust the female again. To show that she can keep me safe with her choices. My male has huge issues though in believing in her.

I do not think I am specifically angry at another female. Yet, as I typed this, 2 came to mind, which I guess it does make sense that it is well as carefully hidden. One is a 'friend' who just seems to bring me down whenever I go around her. I might be more angry at myself though, due to me not cutting the ties with this woman. She reminds me of a human 'vampire'. She is draining to me.

So, as for the liver, yes, there is much anger. I do not even know where it comes from, most of the time. I can be happy in one moment, and the next just irked to no reasoning. Also, my kidneys have begun to be tender this past week to week and a half.

I have been doing Lots of Energy work, for the past 4 weeks now. Well, I had not been practicing what I am learning, other than on the evenings of the class. I wonder if that is 'stirring' things all up?!

Thanks for your thoughts, Maya. Things are becoming more clear. Now I just need to apply (practice) what I am learning each week and see if it doesn't help things move out.

OH and I guess I could admit here (computer hidden :D) I have come to realize I have had much anger in my life, due to being a single mom. I always thought I should have had help. I almost married a man, so that he could help (I thought I loved him) and he abused me (not Son's dad). Needless to say, it was not much help. There was Son, him and I and we had 3 families in that household...Son and him, Son and I, him and I. Very stressful added to physical and emotional abuse :/. Well, good thing here, is I left over 10 years ago.

I did meet a man (the man?) who I wanted to marry and thus, even though there were relationships (not lasting), I had little help with my son. Well, other than my folks who were LOTS of help (I do not want to negate that!).

Sorry for going on!


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