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news letter, by MH by mh ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   9/30/2007 8:04:13 AM ( 18 y ago)
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Since I was asked to contribute with a little news letter, I figured as I make it I might as well post it here for anyone with interest, the 3rd subject is parasites.


Learning how to live!
by The "Barefoot" Herbalist, M.H.
Born into a war against God.
As babies we rely totally on our parents. Even before this, our very make-up depended on the health of our mother and father. These facts make it very hard to be better than our parents and in fact; each generation in general becomes weaker. The soldier of World War I makes today's man seem like a shadow of our Grandfathers. With each war, the governments had to lower the requirements to join up. Since the introduction of electricity human health has plummeted downward at a record pace.
Our parents, then public school and eventually our work place never prepares us for life, with each step we are finding our lifespan shorter and shorter. We blindly follow the masses. We grow up having no clue of the history of medicine/insurance companies... The traps are so many that when we do start to realize something just isn’t quite right, the masses step forward and assure us that all is ok. We follow each other to the graveyard one by one. Today it is nothing to be alarmed about if the person in the coffin is less than 40 years old.
We accept the multitude of diseases and were raised to give our trust to the church and hospitals and stand proud with our country. We do as we are told and we go through out life not knowing all of the things in this world that makes us this way. This is why I compare humans with the common dairy herd controlled by the farmer. We go through life smoothly as long as we "obey" and when we don't obey, there are many laws to put us in our place and we grow up accepting these laws and the ones who enforce them even to the death of innocent people. We are raised to be good citizens.
Society wins when the graveyards are filled with people by age 65. Those that die by that age are the losers/victims of poor education. They went through life never knowing their enemies or possibly they did recognize their enemy and the enemy caused their premature death.
I don't think my eyes started to open until after age 30, about that time my health was going down hill and medical was not supplying many answers. Up until that point I was never a reader. I realized I needed to educate myself, because I knew of no one local that could be trusted with my health. The local medical works with the insurance companies that protects the factories, etc ... and the medical will never point the finger at local pollution, poisons added to the local water, air and food supplies. Many subjects are taboo to them or they are just too ignorant to open their eyes to any truths. The only medical you can trust are the ones that put down their knives, needles and poisons and don't play the insurance games that lead to the use of hospice and pleasing the local under taker.
In my case, a chiropractor about 30 miles to the south was my savior. For the past 30+ years he has been my only professional doctor. If he can't fix what's wrong, then medical can't fix it. That's my opinion of medical. I see them as the enemy when health is concerned, the only way I would use them if I were in a car wreck etc. and needed to be put back together again. I can assure all, that when we do die, even having a surgeon put us back together as a method to extend life will seem like folly. In fact, no medical should ever be used in my opinion, but we never know until we pass that road. All the ones I have seen use medical/drugs/surgeries in my lifetime have all turned out to not help in the health situation and in most cases, it hastens death.
I base my theories, starting with two authors. The first is Dr. John R. Christopher’s books and videos. He is the man that was my very first look at alternative health, in fact; this is true health and medical is not health improving. My next huge turn was author two, an old M.D. who put down his knife, down all drugs and not only saved his life, but the next 63,000 patients that came his way and he went down in history with his one time partner as the only two medical doctors to have a 100% cure rate. Once I experienced these, I then found more and more old medical books written prior to 1950 that all had a similar conclusion; the M.D. recognized medical as poisons and they turned their practice to Nature Cures.
These Nature Cures are actually paths that lead towards a human learning about human foods and human Nature that God created the laws for the day he created man. To take these paths is usually the very first time man obeys God in his lifetime. As this path is taken, the Spirit then starts directing this person to more and more sources of education handed down by others that also discovered God's Laws.
My conclusion about public education, hospitals, churches, governments, institutes, mayors, lawyers, judges, cops, warriors of all kinds, etc., etc ... and the entire mason established Roman Empire that goes by over 2,500 names all misleads the average human being in an effort to enslave the person. The slave, use to ideally die by age 65 and today, those born after 1992 are desired to die by age 40. All of the governmental agencies/institutes of higher learning world wide as a whole, all educate people to prematurely die. They do this by guiding people as far away from God as humanly possible.
God's laws are permanent; they never change for anyone or anything. What was good for the very first man stands true today. The penalty for not living this way is premature death. We humans are judged with every thought and action and receive our punishment instantly every day. In the same manner, we are rewarded with every step forward to accepting God. This folks is your key to life, finding the correct steps back to God. Your teacher is within you, every one of you and your nearest open space in Nature awaits to teach anyone that takes time to appreciate what God has provided.
It is as simple as this: each day you wake up, before you get out of bed, thank God that your alive and ask him to guide you this day and every day to those you can help and those that can help you. When you go to sleep, tell God that your thankful for this day. If
you do this, no matter what happens in your life, it is good, even if you were killed that day. You trusted God, thus you receive a passing grade; you have won the race. The most famed Monk in world history is known in the New Testament as a man called Paul, also known as Jesus to those who read he revised version of the popes. Paul had many suggestions on how a man could win the race.
Today, people seek quick fixes. This can be drugs, operations, herbs,
methods, etc ... and the more money it cost, the more faith they have in it. The hospitals are seen as the great temples and the priest in their white robes. Faith today is everywhere, except where it should be. The majority of the people who die today die with morphine in their blood and these poor souls are no different than an animal in a steel jaw trap awaiting the hunter an his dog. The last thing you want to do, is die with drugs in your system. I 100% believe drugs invites evil spirits to over whelmed the human body. We humans are spiritual creatures using a flesh body created by the MIND. We our spirits, never die. I see our time on earth as a school and the more we disobey the teacher, the more sever our punishment. Like it or not, life on earth is a battleground, it is not a bowel of cherries and wealth can be more of a trap than being poor. Just when you think life couldn't be any better, the rug can be pulled right out from under you, because like it or not, we will learn, even if it is the hard way! For most of us, this means we take about 30 years of doing it blindly before our eyes are opened to some of the truths. Those that accept, will be given more. Those that don't care, will stumble through darkness all their days and most likely take the morphine highway out and some may say that is the closest you could come to what some call hell.
My best words of advice, start reading. Seek old medical authors, in general, these men/women were some of the smartest people of our time. You need prior to 1950 and back to 1850 is even better, because by 1950, the medical system became too corrupt to trust your life with. Read a selection of medical doctors that learned the truths and you will see how they put the poisons down, became successful and good people were guided spiritually to them and their books reflect Nature and God and their cures all have the same conclusions; NO COST.
The number one killer must be all substances that slow our blood’s circulation. This culprit is lecithin or commonly known as cholesterol. Lecithin also protects our brain and nervous system, which also governs our nerve-force, which is our circulation of blood throughout the body.
Lecithin provides a magnetic free highway for our blood to travel; without this we could not survive, the friction would prevent our blood from being able to travel fast enough and we would die in our own waste. Our blood must remove our waste that is created every second of our life and supply our body with oxygen from our lungs.
Bad things that enter our blood stream often are too large to passed out the kidneys, these eventually get stuck to the walls of the arteries/veins and reduce circulation as our lecithin attempts to surround the enemy and eliminate it. These bad things are usually metallic in nature or simply put the wrong type of minerals or chemicals that were able to get pass our defenses. This is also why you never allow a needle to enter the skin, to do so bypasses all our defenses and creates havoc for our immune system.
• These bad minerals are all minerals that have not been first used by the fruit tree.
Think about the many sources of minerals that enter our body that are not from the fruit tree! The most common is dental metals/plastics, these metals slowly dissolve in our mouth and not only do we swallow them, they also penetrate our tissues and spread through out our body and settle into our organs and joints, etc. Next would be our liquids; if your not consuming your own home made distilled water, then odds are your drinks are loaded with metallic minerals. Many Vitamins are metals, many drugs are metals; our foods are loaded with metals unless they are tree fruits.
With the consumption of bad minerals we loose circulation as our kidneys are over loaded and clog up. Not only do we then loose circulation we then also are burdened with acids that the kidneys were not able to remove and the rest of our organs from our feet to our skin all must work harder to remove these acids. Acids cause pains, because we humans are alkaline and everything not alkaline in the body is dissolving the body, which is painful. Proper minerals are alkaline.
Vegetables supply too large of minerals, they do this by growing too fast. These partially converted minerals trick the human defenses and are allowed in, but often are too large to pass through the kidneys and lodge to the walls of our circulation. Vegetables in general are not natural and not human foods.
Fruits of the tree have true minerals that the human body was designed to use and most important, expel. It is a fact, what we accumulate kills us because each accumulation slows our circulation.
The ancients (bible) state that man’s food and medicine comes from the tree. This is because tree fruits aid in dissolving our accumulated waste. Fruits are preserved in their own natural acids and when we consume these acids enter our blood stream through our stomach and aid in cleansing our arteries/veins and then are expelled out our lungs; the remaining material is alkaline-ash-minerals that are used by our liver for daily chemical balance.
• Most everything else is deadly to the human body, because to be deadly all is required that the substance slow our circulation. Fruits need but a few hours to pass through our digestive tract and exit the body.
• This is why fruits heal all diseases and why fasting accelerates healing.
Can it be anymore simple than this? Why should health be complicated? Why should man need medical books while all other creation goes along smoothly in life. Only man eats things that God did not create for his foods. So this would lead some to say that eating wrongly is a sin and justly so. Each sin against God is rewarded its just due the second the sin is commented; no church can argue this! Every thought and every action is permanently recorded by the mind and we are judged accordingly. This should be good, but many are on the negative side. Obeying Nature is rewarded positively just as disobeying is rewarded negatively. Those on the positive side are more alkaline and enjoy life more than those that are on the acid side and feeling the pains of their sins.
We need no master’s degree to survive well on earth, if anything education often leads us away from God. It is as simple as this; if you were put on a land with nothing, no tools, nothing but your naked body; you would soon learn to obey God’s ways. You would seek the only foods designed for humans; the tree and bush fruits. You could only find these in each of their seasons and these seasons would have a color distinct to each season. We humans are creations of God and God uses color in the creation of all the universe; color in our food is extremely important.
We would not kill an animal to eat what comes from sinful ideas of societies that live against God. Humans cannot stand the taste of meat and must learn to enjoy killing. Governments trick humans into eating meats by adding meat to baby foods. Meat is cooked and seasoned and made to not look like dead animals, because dead rotting animals have offensive smells and all flesh can not be properly chewed by a human and our stomach and digestive systems can not assimilate it. Meat does not exit the body in hours like fruits do. Meats cause a huge amount of acids and rots in the colons of all who eat it.
Every wrong food that enters the blood stream over works our lecithin coating. As the lecithin thickens we loose more and more circulation and the body starts to have what is called varicose veins. These ruptured valves are through out the entire body and a huge amount of damage has already been done before the first varicose vein appears in the leg.
As our lecithin thickens from being over worked and under nourished it clogs our liver, coats our heart and hardens our brain and we appear to be aging. If our lecithin was in perfect condition our body would appear to be age 22 for at least the first 500 years if not eternally. We cannot age/die unless we loose our circulation.
As the lecithin is robbed from our nerve tissues our nerves then are harmed. As we loose our nerve force we then loose control of our muscles and this causes loss of circulation, because our muscles push our blood through the arteries/veins and our heart/lungs controls the pulse and rate or oxygen exchange needed to handle every moment of life.
Lecithin is the key to human life. Medical knows this very well. Medical knows what makes them money and they have spent the most money and efforts this world has ever known in attempts to make humans ill and most important; to keep them ill. Food manufacturers knows lecithin well; they too know how to manipulate humans and also seek as much control as possible to promote their business which works hand in hand with medical.
Governments know if you control a person’s circulation you control the populations. Circulation is and always will be KING.
Lecithin, in humans, is made by humans and this is my guess: I believe most of the lecithin in humans is made in defense of all the pollutions we have breathed/eaten/drank. Thus no one today would really know how much a truly healthy person should have. The one thing we do know is that too much cholesterol kills us via loss of circulation.
Medicals solution for too much cholesterol is to use drugs that stops the production o cholesterol and this leads to the destruction of the body in many ways. Medical is not an option in Nature, in Nature the tree is the answer.
Food manufacturers know that if they don’t put a little lecithin in their non-fruit foods, then man won’t buy it again. They know their foods need one of two things.
1. Sugar
2. Fat
Sugar substitutes for the sweet tree fruits.
Fat supplies a method for lecithin.
The wrong diet keeps people seeking nutrition their entire life and food manufacturers want to keep them on a roller coaster ride their entire life. Correct diet restores health and
correct diet can not be patented nor does it support medical. Governments do not want a healthy population; it is their belief there are too many humans and they are more concerned with control. The last thing they want is a healthy population that questions wrong things.
The cow does not consume olive oil, animal fats, canola oil, etc. and yet it has plenty of body fat. Eating fat does not provide fat for an animal. Grass being the universal food for all enables the cow to make all the fat and lecithin it needs. Eating cow lecithin would not enable a man to make human lecithin, but eating grass would.
Eating animal fats is eating used materials that contain the waste of that animal. Fats, in their nature, are a storage depot for waste.
Our lecithin is made by us and everything we need comes from the sun, our air and the tree. I am sure we would never need a lecithin supplement our entire lives if we only consumed from the tree. We do have a lecithin problem because we are starving to death and over working our bodies in an effort to stop starving to death.
Many of the tree fruits have natural fats and high content of lecithin. Fruit lecithin is assimilated and used by the human body to dissolve and replace human lecithin. Naturally the olive tree would appear to be the best source as would avocadoes, etc.
Medical many, many years ago suggested the lecithin found in the egg was not good and the good doctors also wrote that one egg will poison a human child for ten days.
Medically they suggested lecithin from the soybean. I assume the Olive Tree and foods from the tree would be the better solution. Some have written that consuming ¼ cup of first cold pressed olive oil per day will greatly extend the lifespan and I can only assume it is because of the lecithin and like dissolves like effects. Lecithin from the soybean was suggested to take one tablespoon daily and one doctor I knew of used three tablespoons daily to cure MS.
Like dissolves like; this was the medical method known 70+ years ago that was used for gallstone attack in the liver. The doctor used 30 lecithin capsules 3X daily for 3 days as a treatment. Soy lecithin in large dose is picked up in the liver and dissolves the hardened accumulated lecithin known as gallstones; additionally the huge amount of fat consumed forced the liver to purge its bile and this also flushed the stones out.
I have never read a medical book that suggested daily lecithin to avoid gallstones and health issues; they are into treatment and not prevention.
Ideally if we eat from the tree, lecithin would not be a problem and supplementing with lecithin never needed and to do so is not the solution, but only a treatment that allows us to continue eating the animal, grains, vegetables and not of the tree.
This is why you can consume all the herbs, vitamins and drugs you desire and you will never correct the first basic killer of human life and those that sale herbs, vitamins and drugs don’t want you to know this, because once you learn how to be healthy, you put them out of business.
Circulation is KING. Cholesterol is the number one cause of the loss of circulation and caused by wrong diet and consumptions of metals. Cholesterol protects the body and when it has a problem plant lecithin aids in dissolving the old lecithin from the body as the human learns to eat more correct.
My first choice would be to consume lecithin from all fruits high in lecithin/oils. Then the best cold pressed olive oil and nut oils and for the poor man the cheapest lecithin that medical used long before I was born, soybean lecithin.
Soybean lecithin comes in granules and expensive pills, I suggest these are too manufactured and as well too expensive. I suggest using liquid lecithin used in common baking and food production. A gallon is very cheap. Liquid lecithin is very thick like honey. It sticks to anything and I suggest a better way is to dilute it with first cold pressed olive oil, maybe 2 parts olive oil to one part lecithin. For myself I also make the BF&C herbal formula into oils and mix this as well into the lecithin. I call this Lecithin / Olive Oil +. This is just something I do, my dogs love it and humans tolerate it. Perfect diet eliminates its use and it is the medical cure for the gallstone attack that takes people to the emergency rooms around the world. A local doctor visiting Germany asked a MD what she did for gallbladder attack and she told him the 30 capsules 3X daily for 3 days method. I have also read in the old blue surgeons books dating back to the 1930s suggesting gallbladder surgery could be avoided if the patient were prescribed soybean lecithin.
I suggest for as long as a person has a lecithin problem, they have a circulation and nerve problem and thus they have the largest problem in health possible. There is but one cure for all; that is to restore the circulation. The simplest way of all is to obey God’s Laws of human diet: Sun, Air, and the Tree. For the rest of us stubborn humans who seek to do it their way, we supplement and the cheapest supplement on the face of the earth is soybean lecithin and it is more beneficial than all other supplements combined and the reason you don’t see people selling drugs, vitamins, silver makers, electronics, books and websites promoting its sale. Lecithin today is a humble ingredient hidden in junk foods so the manufacturer can trick people into buying their trash foods, because with out lecithin we wouldn’t want their trash. For this reason, those with the controls seek to keep us lecithin deficient our entire lives.
We are NOT deficient in drugs, vitamins, herbs, pop, hamburgers/fries, etc., etc. but we are deficient in proper lecithin. Soybean lecithin is not human lecithin and not as good as tree based fats; soybean lecithin is the universal poor mans cure. “IF” I had MS, I would be taking three tablespoons of soybean lecithin daily as a method to restore/correct the lecithin that surrounds our nervous system. I can only assume the medical books wrote about soybean over the olive tree oil because the soybean has more lecithin and was
easily obtained in the U.S.A. while good quality Olive Oil was not easily obtained 70 years ago. Note also, the book that suggest ¼ cup of Olive Oil daily, also, stated that no one used fat from the cow. Most likely the consumption of cows has put many people in the grave prematurely and thus the cow has the last laugh on us. We receive proper sentence for each sin we commit regardless is society accepts the sin as good or not. God’s Laws are not man’s laws. We suffer every time we break God’s laws.
Part III
Few people understand parasites anymore. Some years ago Dr. Hulda Clark popularized parasites again with her book; The Cure for All Diseases. Every M.D. has to learn about parasites and I assume nurses would, but for some reason they don’t talk about it and often id asked; will tell the patient they don’t have parasites. The medical labs have a reputation for returning negative results when testing for worms. Medically they look for eggs and are not into seeing the adult worms that people learned to pass using the Dr. Clark books.
Surprisingly most herbal books ignore parasites or pays very little attention to them. I have came to the conclusion that to expose the parasite problem would mean the customers would want the “cure” and medical and most herbal stores have no cure. I don’t think herbal health food stores and doctors want to talk about a problem that they have no solution for, because the customer will seek another source until they are satisfied.
Governments seem to be extremely interested in parasites; a search on the internet for “parasites” will return thousands of pages from medical colleges and government studies detailing how many millions of people per year die attributed which type of worm. When the M.D. has a rare disease, he/she is required to send samples to the Center of Disease and Control. If too many people die of the same infection, they start to panic and seek to learn what parasite is responsible and what the source is. This is how we use to have so many called back commercial foods…
Today not much gets called back off the shelf. Today sterilization to prolong shelf life has greatly reduced parasite problems with foods; but, such a practice of buying dead sterile foods increases the parasitic problem with the end consumer. Such dead sterile foods creates allot of waste and waste is what feeds parasites. So today and with every new method of sterilization we are increasing the parasite population in humans and it is suggested today that humans can have any number of over 20,000+ known parasites that can be found in humans.
Even in Dr. Hulda Clark books that exposes parasites, she proposes sterilization of everything we eat and believes in using acids on our foods. Such a practice lowers our pH, our red blood cell count and produces a body that parasites will thrive in.
Parasites are God’s creation so we humans can live.
David Christopher owner of The School of Natural Healing teaches that we humans depend on friendly parasites for our very life. By friendly we mean bacteria that cleanses our tissues/cells of waste. David explains that we humans are 85% parasites and 15% human cells. It takes such a ratio to keep our human cells clean. When we are less than 85% parasites we experience sickness in our own waste. David suggest that such a condition is like living in N.Y.C. during a garbage man strike and the garbage fills up in
the streets. Not until the garbage is hulled away can productive life go on. But NEVER can life exist that no garbage is produced.
When we have more than 85% often people say they have a Candida over growth problem. In simple terms this means they have more waste in their body and this creates a demand for more parasites. Having more than the normal balance is more than the blood can handle and oxygen levels start to drop and again, we call that sickness. To the extreme low oxygen leads to cancers. Cancers are a sign the body has too much waste and the body has increased to remove this. The increased action can be very painful, so cancers have gotten a bad name; but cancers were a result of the body seeking to remove waste. This is why all cancer treatments FAIL. Drugs used to stop the liver calms down the cancers and the patient either dies in their own waste or if they live, their Immune System will once again create a cancer condition and go back to the business of removing the original waste. Often the patient dies from the drugs used to stop their own Immune System (cancer), but seldom ever dies from cancers unless they are in the organs.
Cancers and all low oxygen conditions creates an environment for more parasites. This is why some the most famous cancer treatments were methods that increased oxygen. If they were successful they also included the enema as a method to expel the waste. This is why most all good health books try to explain all disease starts with the kidneys being over worked and as they fail, so does the body as acid conditions start to exist. Wrong diet starts these problems and at the same time the intestines are over worked and begin to fail. Every good health book explains all health issues are a result of accumulated acids that the body stored.
These stored acids are food for the parasites.
Remove the food and the friendly bacteria parasites reduce in numbers; it is that simple. This all disease is created in every household by the cook and supplier of foods. The old medical books explained the grave yards are full of babies that the mother over fed.
Old bacteria books had a theory.
They suggest there is but ONE bacteria. The perfect friendly bacteria that allows us humans to live. They propose that this one perfect specie of Bacteria mutates based on its food supply and oxygen levels. This over 50 years ago they explained why medical doctors have created most every rare disease on earth with their drug treatments. Medical is responsible for “exotic” diseases. This is why David Christopher teaches that if you have a RARE disease that your dieing from, you have been “consorting” with doctors and are experiencing the snakes venoms.
So under normal drug free conditions health is simple; you correct the diet and this raises alkalinity which leads to more oxygen and less waste in the body. If there is too much accumulated waste, then the common fruit fasting is the ultimate cure. This was proven by two medical doctors who used orange juice as their cure all. This method was so successful that by 1950 Harvard, Yale, ands the Rockefeller Institute did a three way study on its success and agreed it was “The Cure”. Today we can only speculate why
after such a study that the ama has the medical colleges teach 100% the opposite in today’s hospitals and doctors offices.
The “one” bacteria must live in a body that is balanced or it mutates. This is simple, we all make our own choices ad we create health or sickness based on our personal decisions. Today, civilized man has several generations of drug induced exotic bacteria also called viruses, etc. So today, we have a greater problem than people did prior to medical drugs. Today we have creatures living in/on the human body that do not follow Nature’s Rules. Today mothers are vaccinated as babies and produce babies that are quickly vaccinated.
These vaccines use a variety of metals and worst of all, animal dna. These metals lodge in the body for ever and this over loads the Immune System in a lifelong battle to remove these metals. This greatly weakens the Immune System so that it no longer can mount a fight against the common bacterial problems experienced in life. This gives a “false” impression of increased health; but in fact, each vaccine leads to cancers an because it is a unnatural creation, it does not follow Nature and thus the disease becomes an exotic disease. Even worse, is the introduction of the animal dna, this is done for one reason only, to create a “MULE” or mixed bred human with animals. Medical alone is responsible for such a horrific crime against Nature. All of the good doctors starting 100 years ago condemned such practices as the vaccination, but evil powers have won out and more people are loaded with vaccines than ever before.
Every crime against Nature is rewarded.
Each time the human body goes against Nature, Nature has the solution: ELIMINATION. This keeps the earth in good order, only the smartest that seek to obey God’s ways survives and the disobedient are removed. In the case of the human, Nature’s solution is parasites. Parasites remove waste and the damaged body is waste.
Dr. Hulda Clark books theorizes that because humans have consumed solvents that today we can carry anyone of a number of the over 20,000 known parasites. She suggest solvents allow parasite eggs to hatch and once hatched, they will seek to remain in the human body, even though the human was not the designed host for that parasite specie. It seems in Nature, every living thing has 1-2 natural parasites. With humans and creatures with life giving blood the natural parasites are enormous in population, but held in balance with a healthy Immune System.
At the point of death, oxygen levels drop to the extreme and this allows parasites known as suicide parasites to hatch out of every living cell and consume those cells; known as decomposition. This is God’s perfect law of keeping the earth clean. One does not have to study parasites long, to believe David Christopher is correct, we are at least 85% parasite cells and our very life depends on such a ratio.
The non-medical damaged human has the perfect method to restore health. Simple stop eating and allow the fever to remove the accumulated waste that created a blockage in the body that we named a disease/sickness. It is that simple. As long as the body has no metals or drugs creating an impossible situation; restoring balance is simple. Just obeying Nature is always the cure for what ails us. In every situation in life, if we could only stop and start obeying Nature, God supplies all we need for free. Some have awakened to such crimes against Nature and have sought to raise their children drug free. The Bible may suggest that it might take 7 generations of toxic free living to produce a normal healthy human. We alive today have inherited the problems of our past 7 generations.
For those of us that have been vaccinated, have been consorting with doctors and at the wrong diet all our lives as our ancestors did, we don’t have it so simple. We have a host of problems to deal with, not to mention the daily pollution all of which makes this world more favorable to bad parasites. Well, maybe I shouldn’t say bad, because with out them, we would be like N.Y.C. with no garbage men.
Parasites is a gigantic subject, hundreds if not thousands of medical books have been written in the past 150 years on the subject. In the worse case scenario we have parasites that laid eggs in our flesh and these eggs can live 30-40+ years waiting for us to die, because they want to live on our rotten flesh. These eggs are calcified by our immune system as a way to protect us from them…and the nightmare begins, once you study one parasite, you start reading about the thousands more and the nightmare they can cause with our health. It is almost a never ending study and this was proved by Royal Rife, he created a micro-scope that could see 60,000X into the human cell and he concluded that parasites are “infinite. If he knew God’s design to remove all dead things from the surface of the planet, he could have saved himself the time looking for such parasites.
These microscopic parasites are easily maintained with oxygen levels; the real subject of parasites people like to hear about are worms! The big parasites large enough to see with the naked eye. These parasites we call “animal” parasites, because they are complete creatures often male and female with reproductive sex organs. They are extremely smart and often do not want their host to die, because they would also die.
These worms can be found on a internet search for parasite worms, you will find thousands of pictures and stories, but nothing about a cure for them. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggested some years ago that every human in America should receive chemo treatments for the sheep fluke infestation epidemic. This is the mentality of such organizations who believe it is their job to heard us humans like a bunch of sheep to slaughter.
YES, humans are loaded with worms, the animal type big ones and its mostly because of medical drugs and everything we can classify as pollution in our body.
Some medical books upwards of 100 years ago suggested each disease had an associated worm and the big question has always been, what came first, the disease or the worm! Naturally the disease did which is just a hot spot in the body known as lack of circulation aka constipation. The worms can take up house keeping in any such polluted body. With the use of drugs, more and more exotic non-human worms can start making the human their host.
I can theorize that no human alive today does not have a good selection of animal type worms living in their tissues. They can be in every tissue and fluid in the human body, not one place is worm proof. Every muscle, every bone, the brain, the organs, the blood, etc. all are a food source once the oxygen levels have dropped below perfect.
Thus, we are all in a state of being ate alive and way too many don’t live very long lives anymore. Our organs are extremely fast at making new replacement tissue, so they are a prime spot for the worst worms. All worms that eat our organs are enemy number one!
Thousands of pages have been written on the identification of every worm, it is an endless study. A few medical books even explained the best cure! One such book was sent around the globe for peer review by the best doctors on the planet and this book written almost 100 years ago was “approved”. It explained how each worm was associated with each disease and it explained one cure-all.
Now you would think today, all humans would have learned of this one medical cure? No, such things that can’t be patented into an exotic medicine for big $$$ find their way to seem less pits of medical libraries never to be seen again.
The medical cure back then was the only cure known and what works in Nature once, works in Nature forever. The cure was the wormwood plant. It is a no brainier that the plant was given that name in world history because people used it and worms came out. The book was printed one time and limited to 1,000 copies world wide, so I assume only medical people were given the chance to possess the book.
Is it any wonder that the Dr. Hulda Clark book suggest wormwood for today’s parasite problems! She herself takes zero credit for all herbal info in her books, because herb information has been around for a long time. She also suggest the Black Walnut Tree and why not, in 1950 Germany did a scientific study on the Black Walnut tree and stated it was a superior herb for removing human parasites. She also recommends cloves, I have yet to read a book that suggest cloves for parasites other than hers, but why not, all parasites hate spices. She also recommends Olive Leaf in her HIV/Aids book and as well makes mention of pumpkin seeds, all of which are fairly common anti-parasite herbs. Not being an herbalist and more into science she doesn’t necessarily knows the best methods of preparations of these herbs, but does realize the large the dose, the more worms die.
Her books started my interest in parasites, home pollutants, dental disasters, etc.. and I purchased books written by authors who “specialized” in such subjects and many of these agreed with Clark’s books or went on to explain perfected methods.
As a result I started looking at parasites and used a camera to take a few pictures. I looked for maybe three years and became bored looking at the same parasites over and over; the only exiting samples came from people who had traveled over seas, they would have the same worms the locals had plus other worms I had not seen before, even though they may have been over seas 30-40 years earlier in life.
I concluded it makes NO DIFFERENCE, these worms all die and are expelled by the body, so why waste a lifetime researching the endless varieties. I spent a few years making my own formula of a variety of anti-parasite herbs all of which were as well suggested by Dr. Hulda Clark. I used old German methods of preparations as well as the theories of Dr. John R. Christopher and a famous healer to the popes Father Knepp. I have no doubt, I have made the best parasite formula based on the books of Dr. Hulda Clark that exist today. Most herbs or formulas based on Clark’s books don’t go outside her suggested methods and this may get results, but is far from being good. For one thing she uses Ascorbic Acid to make an acid base for the Black Walnut. The 1950 German study shows the Black Walnut must be preserved in an acid base, but suggest using Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and to use Ascorbic Acid is just one of the many, many reasons Dr. Hulda Clark has never been able to raise the red blood cell count or pH of anyone she has helped or in the case of alkalinity, she has harmed with her methods. Regardless, most all good books have something to teach or at least enlighten our curiosity and all the Dr. Hulda Clark books have many subjects that make us think.
Some of the pictures of parasites I have taken can be seen within the web site below my name. Click on the bar named 108 and go to page 45 to see parasite info and a few of my favorite pictures.

Many Blessings,
The “BAREFOOT” Herablist, M.H.


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