Re: ozoneman Please: ozone output regulation by soil111 ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum
Date: 9/28/2007 3:40:27 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 5,582
Thanks ozoneman.
Some technical again on the output control. I look at longevity's web site. Here is what's said about EXT-120:
"The dial on the Ozone Generator: This dial from 1 through 10 on the ozone generator, speeds up and slows down the speed at which the electrical field flashes on and off, around the double walled glass tube. Increase the frequency of the flashing (by turning the dial up from 1 towards 10) and you increase the amount of ozone that is produced. Decrease the frequency(by turning the dial down towards 1), and you decrease the amount of ozone that is produced. By using this dial on the ozone generator, you may choose between 10 different ozone concentrations at each oxygen flow rate. This provides you with PRECISION control, outstanding safety, and 50 ozone concentrations from which to choose!"
That sound like the "simple potentiometers that control the frequency to the corona field" you mention above.
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