Dr. Christophers Newsletter/ 10 best Herbs by lilaug ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 7/10/2005 9:37:04 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 6,592
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=100091
Hi folks- im copy/pasting Dr. Christopher's newsletters one day at a time here (only here too) since MH is the one who pointed me towards who Dr Christopher is and his value to health.
Each day I will copy/paste a new newsletter. I was able to find 8 of them so far.
This is the website I found Dr. Christopher's old newsletters at that are available to the public: http://www.herbsfirst.com/drbio.html
The Website is Herbsfirst.com - a very informative website on Dr. Christopher, his biography and other interesting info. Check it out!
I saved these newsletters onto my hard-drive and they were copy/pasted from my own computer so as to use my own Bandwidth.
There are well over three hundred thousand herbs--many of them have been life-savers over the years. Can we, then, first the "Ten Most Important", which should be kept on hand at all times for health or survival emergencies? This is a hard one--choosing the names of ten of my top friends, our herbs. Perhaps the best way to proceed is to choose one herb from each of ten major herb categories of which there are many more.
Hippocrates used twenty-nine herbs and their combinations to help keep the people of the Isle of Cos in a healthy condition. In our practice we use approximately one hundred common herbs to take care of any malfunction that has been brought to our attention. We will, therefore offer you a tithe of our herbs. One herb cannot be said to be superior to another, as each has its own specific use, so we will list the categories from which each herb was selected alphabetically.
1. ALTERATIVE HERB: Plantain (Plantago major; lanceolata, Plantaginaceae)
Parts used: root, leaves, flower spikes, seeds.
Medicinal uses: poisonous bites and stings, boils, carbuncles, tumors, inflammation, scrofula, eczema, frog or thrush, blood poisoning, malignant and bleeding ulcers, bleeding and minor wounds, diarrhea, piles, cuts and scratches, erysipelas, burns, scalds, leucorrhea, lumbago, bedwetting, syphilis, dropsy, toothache, worms, running sores, itch, ringworm, mastitis, poison ivy, bruises.
Preparation: fluid extract, infusion, powder, tincture.
2. ASTRINGENT HERB: Oak, White Tanners, Scrub, etc. (Fagaceae).
Parts used: mainly the inner bark, also leaves, acorn, acorn cups.
Medicinal uses: internal and external hemorrhage, leucal diarrhea, dysentery, prolapsed uterine, prolapsed anus, relaxed vagina, sore mouth, spongy and bleeding gums, ulcerated and inflamed throat, frog or thrush, diphtheria, seminal emissions, ulcerated bladder, bloody urine, pin worms, inflammations, burning fevers, infection, uterine troubles, piles, varicose veins, kidney and liver problems, goiter, ringworm, scaly eruptions, catarrh, colon troubles, gonorrhea, gleet, stomach troubles, relaxed tissue, cholera infant, hemoptysis, intermittents, phthisis, prolapsed uvula, gangrene, tooth powder, washes, poisoning.
Preparation: decoction, fluid extract, infusion, powder, tincture.
3. CATHARTIC HERB: Mountain Flax (Linum catharticum, Linaceae).
Part used: whole herb.
Medicinal uses: torpid liver, jaundice, obstinate constipation, digestive problems, gravel, dropsy, muscular rheumatism, catarrhal affection.
4. DIAPHORETIC HERB: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium, Compositae).
Part used: whole herb.
Medicinal uses: fevers, eruptive diseases (measles, chicken pox, smallpox, etc.), hemorrhage of the lungs and bowels, dyspepsia, jaundice, piles, mucoid bladder discharges, incontinence of urine, chronic dysentery, typhoid fever, diarrhea (including infants), uterine problems (amenorrhea, menorrhagia, leucorrhea), suppressed urine, scanty urine, wounds, ulcers, colic, diabetes, Bright's disease, stomach gas, piles, relaxed throat, sore nipples, rheumatism, flatulency, fistulas, influenza (flu), congestive headaches, ague, loss of hair.
Preparation: decoction, fluid extract, infusion, oil, powder, tincture.
5. DIURETIC HERB: Parsley (Apium petroselinum, Petroselinum sativum, Umbelliferae)
Parts used: whole herb, root, leaves, seeds.
Medicinal uses: Dropsy, gall bladder problems, gall stones, gravel, aches in the lumbar region, menstrual obstructions, jaundice, enuresis, kidneys (congestion, irritation, inflammation), amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, nephritis, cystitis, intermittent fevers (Fresh juice, seeds), hepatitis, obstruction of liver and spleen, female problems, insect bites and stings, swollen glands, swollen breasts, cancer preventative, difficult urination, strangury (painful urination), syphilis, gonorrhea, dry up nursing mother's milk, catarrh of bladder, anemia, tuberculosis, rheumatism, arthritis, acidosis, obesity, high blood pressure, catarrh, dyspepsia, halitosis.
Preparation: decoction, infusion, fluid extract, oil
6. EMMENAGOGUE HERB: Squaw Vine or Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens, Rubiaceae, Ericaceae).
Parts used: herb or vine.
Medicinal uses: childbirth, uterine troubles (menorrhagia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, etc.), dropsy, diarrhea, suppression of urine, sore eyes, urinary complaints, dysentery, gonorrhea, sore nipples, gravel, rheumatism, etc.
Preparation: decoction, fluid extract, infusion, powder, tincture.
7. EXPECTORANT AND DEMULCENT HERBS: Comfrey (Symphytum officinale; Boraginaceae)
Parts used: root (more powerful) and leaves.
Medicinal uses: cough, ulcerated and inflamed lung conditions, bronchitis, hemorrhage, asthma, (excessive expectoration), tuberculosis, pleurisy, pneumonia, inflamed stomach or bowels, ulcerated kidneys, sooth gravel, bloody urine, diarrhea, dysentery, bruises, sprains, swellings, fractures, cancers, torn ligaments, ruptures, broken bone, cuts, gout, gangrene, heart problems, ulcerous wounds, hemoptysis, catarrh, scrofula, anemia, leukorrhea, female debility, boils, gum boils, sinusitis, burns and insect bites.
Preparation: decoction, fluid extract, infusion, powder and tincture. The comfrey root contains a large amount of mucilage that is best extracted by water.
8. ANTISPASMODIC HERB: Lobelia (Lobelia inflata)
Parts used: herb and seeds (the latter are much stronger)
Medicinal uses: abscesses, adynamic (weakness), angina pectoris (heart excitability), asthma, blood poisoning, blood circulation problems, boils, bronchial problems, bruises, catarrh, chicken pox, cold sweats, colds, colic, congestion, constipation, convulsions, cough, cramps, croup, digestive disturbances (nervous dyspepsia, acute indigestion, etc.), drowning, dyspnea, diphtheria, earache, eczema, epilepsy, fainting, febrile trouble (fevers). Felons, female problems, heart weakness, hepatitis, hydrophobia (mad dog bites), hysteria, inflammations, insect stings and bites, laryngitis, measles, meningitis, nephritis, nervousness, palpitation, peritonitis, periostitis, phrenitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, poison ivy, poison oak, rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, smallpox, spasms (spine, muscles, chest or genital organs), sprains, stomach irritation (small doses), tetanus (lock jaw), vomiting (small doses), whooping cough and zymotic diseases.
Preparation: Decoction, fluid extract, infusion, pills, poultice, powder, syrup, and/or tincture. Do not use lobelia tincture from drug stores, as it is extracted with an etheric menstruum.
9. STIMULANT HERB: Cayenne (Capsicum Minimum, C. Fastigiatum).
Parts used: fruit (oil is in the seeds)
Medicinal uses: Apoplexy, arrest gangrene or mortification, arthritis, asthma, asthmatic asphyxia, atonic gout, bleeding, bleeding of the lungs, chilblains, chills, colds, cold extremities, congestion, constipation, cough, cramps, debility, delirium tremens, diphtheria, dyspepsia, emesis (strong dose), functional sluggishness, fatigue, heart trouble and heart attacks, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, high and low blood pressure, indigestion, inflammation, kidney and related problems, lethargy, low fevers, lumbago, menorrhagia, neuralgia, offensive breath, pains in the stomach and bowels, palpitation, pleurisy, profound shock, quinsy, rheumatism, scarlet fever, strokes, tonsillitis, toothache (oil), typhoid fever, ulcers, vomiting, wounds, yellow fever, cayenne (as a stimulant) is an activator, carrier and accentuator.
Preparation: Cayenne is prepared into decoctions, infusions, ointments, powder and tinctures.
10. TONIC HERB: White Poplar (Populus tremuloides)
Parts used: inner bark, leaves and buds.
Medicinal uses: articular swelling, burns, cancer, cholera, infantum, cuts, cystic catarrh, debility, diabetes, diarrhea (sub-acute, chronic), eczema, faintness, flu, gangrene, gleet, gonorrhea, hay fever, hysteria, indigestion, inflammation, intermittent fever, jaundice, kidney complaints, liver problems, neuralgia, purulent ophthalmia, acute rheumatism, strong perspiration, sciatica, syphilitic sores, bad ulcers, urinary complaints and-weakness, infected wounds.
Preparations: various forms
These ten herbs may be stored in any number of forms, bulk, capsules, tablet, tincture, concentrate, etc. Tinctures, syrups, concentrates and ointments if properly sealed can last twenty or more years and not lose potency. The bulk dry herbs should be put into cans such as the type in which bulk honey is often sold. The lid should be pressed in tightly and sealed carefully with a paraffin wax. All stored herbs should be sealed in this way with paraffin.
The diaphoretic herbs are the ones to be collected in the largest amounts. A pound per person of these herbs in their dry form is not out of line.
If the dry herbs, capsules or tablets can be sealed hermetically so much the better. It would be wise to store the seeds from as many of these herbs as possible. Label them well and seal them up for use in times of natural disaster.
We will be discussing more on this subject at another time. We will then clear up further any questions that have not been answered in a short discourse on a very important subject.
Introduction: A great number of the questions which have come in to us over the years have concerned malfunctioning of the body which were due to a toxic condition. This toxic condition is often the result of improper body care. The problem may have developed from what we have taken into our bodies or be due to a lack of exercise and cleanliness.
When a pain or other problem arises the first thing we think of is relieving the effects or symptoms of the malfunction. Seldom do we think about the underlying cause so anxious are we to get quick relief. It is definitely against the principles of holistic healing to stop without attacking the core of the problem. If a doctor works only on the effects of the malfunction the patient continues to return with the same problem. The illness may then aggravate and the same doctor must treat the patient for a chronic disease, trying to keep up with the advanced condition which may then even be declared incurable.
It is sad for any person to find himself in this condition and it is the purpose of our continuing education program to give a do-it-yourself approach by which a person may attack the cause, not only the effects, of illness and clear them up once and for all.
Almost every problem we encounter is more amenable to holistic principles if an individual will begin by observing a cleanse and then place himself on a mucusless diet. We have a booklet, with which some of you are familiar, entitled, Dr. Christopher's Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet. The purpose of the cleanse and the dietary regime suggested in this booklet is the reduction of toxins coming into the body and to accelerate the elimination of toxins already in the system. The instructions given there as well as in Chapter 15 of our text The School of Natural Healing (Dr. John R. Christopher, available at P.O. Box 352, Provo, Utah 84601) can remove a person from ill health and a possibly short life to a perfectly operational body and a long, happy and pain-free life. The cleanse and mucusless diet of course may help a person in such a way if there are no serious body ailments already present. In other words the cleanse and mucusless diet are both a preventative procedure and a good preparation for more involved treatments in the case of more severe illness. They are excellent procedures for the individual who wants to overhaul his or her feeling of well-being and be in the most healthy state possible.
When more serious problems arise due to toxic waste buildup and cause extreme pain and discomfort, we must then offer additional and more specific programs to help rebuild the weakened areas not forgetting to follow the general program of good health including an occasional cleanse and the use of the mucusless diet.
Following are some questions which have come to us that require more involved answers. We hope that our responses will be helpful in familiarizing our readers with the benefits of herbal foods and natural therapy.
Question 1: What could be done in a case where cervical arthritis is present, where X-rays show a narrowing of the interspace between C-5, C-6 and C-7, and where anterior and posterior spurs, heading for spondylosis, are present? Is there any way whereby the calcium deposits can be removed, extracted or eliminated to free the body from its painful burden?
Answer 1: We have seen numerous cases of the condition described in this question in most areas of the spine all the way from the Atlas Axis down to the tail base. After beginning the therapy with cleaning and mucusless dieting, they followed this procedure: make a fomentation of a tea combination which we call "Bone, flesh and cartilage." It is also called "comfrey combination", and consists of six parts oak bark, three parts marshmallow root, three parts mullein herb, two parts wormwood, one part lobelia, one part scullcap, six parts comfrey root, three parts black walnut bark or leaves and three parts gravel root. Soak the combined teas in distilled water at a rate of one pint of distilled water to one ounce of combined herbs. Continue the soaking from four to six hours and then simmer the preparation for thirty minutes followed by a straining. After the straining, simmer the tea down to one half of its volume. If desired, a volume of natural vegetable glycerine equivalent to one fourth the volume of the tea may then be added. For example, if there is a gallon of the tea after the straining, simmer it down to two quarts and add one pint of the vegetable glycerine.
Soak some flannel, cotton or other material except for synthetics which should never be used and wrap the soaked cloth fomentations around the malfunctioning area and then cover with plastic, oil paper or oiled silk. In turn cover the area with toweling and leave on all night. Repeat this for six nights a week until relief is accomplished and the calcified deposits disappear. Also, drink 1/4 cup of the finished tea, with or without the
glycerine, but diluted with 3/4 cup of distilled water. This should be done three times a day for six days of each week until relief occurs.
Question 2: Is it possible to replace some amount of hormones that the female body produces while the woman is pregnant and then nursing a baby?
Answer 2: It is possible to maintain the needed balance during these draining times by using the following formula: equal parts black cohosh, sarsaparilla, ginseng, blessed thistle, licorice root, false unicorn root and squaw vine. We suggest that one or two cups, or more if desired, of the tea be taken each day. If the dry herb is taken in capsules, then a capsule or two should be taken each morning and each evening. Also when taking the combination in capsules it would be helpful to drink a cup of red raspberry or blessed thistle (holy thistle) tea with the capsules. The formula is also helpful for girls entering puberty, for expectant mothers and at menopause.
Question 3: Is there anything that can be done naturally for swollen ankles in the case of a person who is already on a salt free diet and who has tried parsley tea and hawthorn berry syrup?
Answer 3: If this condition were due to cardian edema then hawthorn berry syrup should, over a period of time, take care of the swelling. If the condition is due to a urinary problem then the parsley tea will work in many cases. There is another combination which is taken orally and in conjunction with concentrated fomentations of the parsley tea and is an excellent treatment which goes beyond the parsley tea by itself.
The fomentations are made up of the parsley tea together with a quarter of the tea's volume of vegetable glycerine. Cloth soaked in this mixture should be secured around the affected areas and remain in place overnight. This will be done six days a week. The special formula which will be used along with the fomentations consists of equal parts juniper berries, parsley herb, uva ursi, marshmallow root, lobelia, ginger and golden seal. Using all of these herbs in powder form, combine them and put them in "0" sized gelatin capsules. Take at least three of the capsules at three different times during the day along with a cup of parsley tea, also three times each day.
If the swelling persists and it seems to be a solid rather than a puffy swelling, use the bone, flesh and cartilage tea which we have described in answering the first question above.
Question 4: Is there a natural treatment for mucous colitis (spastic colon) where one could not eat raw vegetables or use laxatives?
Answer 4: Colitis is an inflammation of the colon or large intestine and especially of its mucous membrane. This is characterized either by runny or constipated bowels, mucoid discharge from the bowel, weakness in the abdomen, recurrent headache, pain, dizziness, etc. The cause of this condition is a faulty diet, too many food mixtures which irritate the stomach and bowels, hasty eating with insufficient mastication and salivation, consuming excessive liquids with meals, overuse of cathartics and eating food prepared and served in aluminum kitchenware.
The best and quickest way to treat the condition is to reverse the habits listed above: (1) Eat only when hungry and not between times of hunger. (2) Drink no fluids while eating and this includes a period of fifteen to twenty minutes before meals and thirty minutes after eating. We suggest this so that the chewing of food will produce a thin paste of liquid out of the food and natural saliva. The flowing saliva will act as a signal causing the digestive juices to start for better assimilation. (3) Follow the instructions given in The Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet preferably using the carrot or apple juice as the cleansing agent. Chew the juices by swishing them around in the mouth. As suggested in the booklet, use as juice as is desired. (4) Each day have a cup, three times per day, of tea or green drink made up of three parts comfrey root or leaves, slippery elm bark, mullein leaves and one part lobelia. (5) Have a dish or more of gruel made with presoaked, low heated, uncooked grains, singly or grouped. Barley, wheat, rye, millet or buckwheat are all excellent choices. To one of the grains or a mixture of several of them add 1/4 or 1/3 of their volume in flaxseed and/or psyllium seed. When eating this gruel, honey or a fresh, first pressed, mild tasting olive oil may be used. (6) Breath deeply each day for ten minutes or more to aid digesting. (7) Use as much of our lower bowel tonic as is needed to produce three or more bowel movements per day. Think health and watch the improvement.
Question 5: Is there a natural way to eliminate fibroid tumors?
Answer 5: Yes, there is. A tumor is a swelling, an abnormal formation of parasitic, non-inflammatory cells or tissue arising from the cells of the host, yet progressive and independent in their growth. Tumors can be malignant or non-malignant. They can be fast growing or slow growing and they can develop in many parts of the body such as the lymphatic glands or nodes, the urinary and genital areas or the abdominal structure. The cause of the tumors in an inability to eliminate unhealthy materials and this generally stems from a lack of organic potassium in the diet.
Begin by observing the procedure in the Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet, keep the bowels free with the lower bowel tonic and use the following procedure: drink one to three cups of potassium broth each day. Make the broth with potato peelings at least one half inch thick, comfrey leaves, celery leaves, cut-up celery stalks, a few carrot tops from the garden, not wild, beet greens, spinach greens, chopped onions and garlic and several whole, black peppercorns as a stimulant and digestant. Cover the mixture well with distilled water and slowly simmer. If possible, keep the temperature around 130 degrees for six to ten hours. Do not boil. After simmering, strain the preparation. Use this broth between meals as you might a tasty tea being sure to chew it well.
Besides using this broth we also suggest one cup or more per day of elderberry tea. If elder blossoms are being used for the tea in place of the berry add about a fourth part of peppermint leaves to avoid nausea.
Over the tumorous area use the comfrey combination also known as the bone, flesh and cartilage combination. The use of this combination was explained in the answer to the first question of this issue of the newsletter.
If the tumors are in the reproductive organs see the herbal combinations mentioned in the booklet The Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet. They are listed under various titles, "herbal aid for female reproductive organs", "herbal prostrate formula," and "herbal aids to equalize hormones and estrogens". Also, be aware of the rectal and vaginal bolus and the yellow dock combination tea also explained in that booklet. Whenever possible use the castor oil fomentation which you will find in the cleanse program as well.
Question 6: Are herbs better taken in one form, as tea for example, than in another form like capsules? Can several herbs be taken at one time or are there some that should not be mixed? Should herbs be taken on an empty stomach or with meals?
Answer 6: Herbs can be taken as a tea, tablet, or be capsulated. The gelatin capsule melts and if you have taken ample water with the capsule it will go into a solution in the stomach and you make your own tea. For emergencies, a faster reaction is obtained with a warm to hot tea which expands the cell walls and gives quicker aid than will the capsule. It is better to keep herbal groups together such as capsules for the liver and gall bladder which work well with the lower bowel tonic.
Reproductive organ aids and diuretic herbs are compatible and so forth, but wait twenty minutes or more between each herbal group taken. It is best to take herbal aids between meals but not sooner than twenty to thirty minutes before a meal.
Question 7: Can a natural treatment for schizophrenia be suggested? A celiac disease and prostatitis often accompany schizophrenia as well. Are these conditions also amenable to holistic treatment?
Answer 7: Schizophrenia (Gr. a division of mind and heart) is Bleuler's term for dementia praecox or fissuration of the mental function. Celiac diseases pertain to the are of the abdomen. In children this disease is often characterized by diarrhea and/or spruce, a chronic disease marked by sore throat, a raw looking tongue, gastrointestinal catarrh with periodic diarrhea in which the stools are frothy, fatty (steatorrhea) and fetid. The third condition, prostatitis, is an inflammation of the prostrate gland.
In working with the brain, motor nerves and nervous system which are the areas most involved with the above listed malfunction, we suggest an aiding and rebuilding of the motor nerve area at the base of the skull. We may begin by using the oil and tincture routine explained in the Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet (by Dr. John R. Christopher, P.O. Box 352, Provo, Utah 84601). Insert into each ear four to six drops of oil of garlic and four to six drops of a special nerve tincture-consisting of equal parts of blue vervain, blue cohosh, black cohosh, scullcap and lobelia made into a tincture with an alcohol base.
After inserting the oil and the nerve tincture described above plug the ears with cotton and leave the preparation in place overnight. Repeat this procedure for six nights out of seven. Also massage the nerve tincture externally along the base of the skull over the medulla area and down the first three or four cervical vertebrae.
The next step is an application of the comfrey combination described in the answer to question number one of this issue of the Newsletter. Use a cotton or flannel cap which covers the top of the head. Attach to the cap a four to six inch wide flannel strip long enough to reach the end of the tailbone. Soak the head piece and strip in the comfrey combination tea (bone, flesh and cartilage) and apply the fomentation to the patient. Cover the saturated flannel head piece with a swimming cap and the strip of flannel down the spine with a wide piece of plastic. A sweatshirt and trunks, or girdle, etc., may be employed to hold this arrangement in place overnight. Again this procedure should be repeated six nights out of seven each week until the results prove satisfactory.
In addition a cup of nerve combination tea should be consumed three times or more per day. This will feed and aid in rebuilding the nervous system. The tea is a combination of equal parts black cohosh root (Cimicifuga racemosa), cayenne (Capsicum minimum), hops flowers (Humulus Lupulus), lady's slipper root (Cypripedium pubescens), lobelia (Lobelia inflata), scullcap herb (Scutellaria lateriflora), valerian root (Valerian officinalis), wood betony herb (Stachys betonica) and mistletoe (Viscum album). In making up this infusion it is best to use one teaspoon of the combined herbs per cup of boiling water. Keeping it covered, steep the tea for twenty minutes and then let it cool until drinkable. If you prefer, you may make the tea by using one ounce of the tea per pint of water.
For the diarrhea condition which is commonly encountered along with schizophrenia we recommend a tea of three parts slippery elm bark, three parts comfrey root, three parts of oak bark and one part lobelia. Drink one half cup of the tea each one half hour until the diarrhea is under control. At that point reduce the amount of tea to one half cup three times a day for six days or more. With each cup of tea take at least three of our capsulated prostrate combination or as many as are needed. This combination is made of equal parts of ginger, golden seal, capsicum, gravel root, juniper berries, marshmallow root, parsley root and uva ursi leaves. Use the herbs in powdered form and mix them thoroughly before filling capsules.
The results of this program are speeded up when used in conjunction with the Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet.
Question 8: Is there a natural way to remove scar tissue from the cornea of the eye caused by viral infection (Herpes Simplex)?
Answer 8: To work on the scar tissue in the eye which results from such an infection one needs to use an eyewash combination made up of one part bayberry bark (Myrica cerifera), on eighth part cayenne (Capsicum minimum), one part eyebright herb (Ephrasia officinalis), one part golden seal root (Hydrastis canadensis), and one part red raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus).
This formula should be made into a tea. Using a glass eye cup wash the eye thoroughly. You will notice a slight burning sensation when you first apply the tea. This results from the cayenne in the combination. Do not be alarmed for this is a perfectly normal reaction and is harmless.
With the head thrown back and the cup in place over the eye, exercise the eye muscles as you might if you were swimming under water. Do this in the morning and at night or more frequently if you desire.
The Herpes simplex of course must be cleaned from the system by proper diet and the use of a good purifying tea. Three times each day drink a cup of burdock root tea (Arctium lappa). Continue taking this tea for six days a week for a period of six weeks. After six weeks change this infusion to an Ephedra herb tea (also known as Brigham tea, desert herb or Mormon tea). Take the Ephedra tea again for six days of each week for another six week period. You will continue rotating the different teas at six week intervals. To every cup of tea that you take add six to ten drops of tincture of lobelia. Also take three fifteen grain chaparral tablets along with each cup of tea.
Question 9: Are gynecological matters such a menstruation, vaginal infection and preventative birth control, etc., subject to holistic healing procedures?
Answer 9: This is an extremely complex situation considering the many books which have been written on the subject of gynecology and the many individuals who spend their lives trying to give relief in this field. To begin, let's clarify the meaning of the word gynecology for those who may not be familiar with it. It is the branch of medicine which directs itself to a woman's constitution and diseases, relating especially to malfunctions of the genital, urinary and rectal areas.
At the time a girl is a "woman to be", about to enter puberty, a wise mother will start the girl on a cup or more per day, six days each week, of either red raspberry tea or blessed thistle tea, also known as holy thistle.
If the child's parents have lived on wholesome, unprocessed food prior to her birth and the child has also been reared on good natural foods, she will have less need of the above regime. Still the tea therapy will help any girl through menstruation with good timing, no cramps or flooding.
Actually the tendency towards menstrual discomfort is another of the "sins of the parents" which may befall children and even grandchildren. Continue with the red raspberry/blessed thistle teas and at a future time the young woman will be blessed with "easier child delivery." By maintaining a diet of wholesome food from then on, the woman will help herself modulate into menopause with such ease that she will not suffer from hot flashes and other inconveniences. She will be able to enjoy and not fear advanced adulthood.
In the case where a woman has not been made aware of the simple but effective precautionary treatments mentioned above, other means are necessary. The organs may need rebuilding or riddance of infection, pain and other general discomforts. There is a formula which has aided many thousands of women in such menstrual problems and has gone further relieving cramps, flooding and pain due to the menstrual period. The following herbs are used in this combination: blessed thistle, capsicum, cramp bark, false unicorn, ginger, 3 parts of golden seal root, red raspberry leaves, squaw vine and uva ursi leaves.
These combined herbs are mixed and put into capsules. The woman will take two or three of the capsules each morning and the same number each night for six days a week for sixty to ninety days or more if necessary. If the use of this herbal combination seems to drain energy and produce anemia, then the capsules should be taken with a cup of unsweetened yellow dock tea. This tea gives new life, pep and energy by reestablishing the iron count.
In difficult menstrual periods we generally find a hormone-estrogen imbalance. There is another natural formula that will give the body a good balance of hormone and estrogen. The extra unneeded hormone and estrogen will be eliminated naturally by the body. This is important to remember at this point in a discussion for, as you-may recall, many inorganic types of medicines do not work in a natural way. They are taken into the body and a small amount of the preparation may be assimilated, but because the ingredients are dead and low vibrating the excess, unused amounts of the medicine are retained in weak areas and accumulate to the point of producing bad side and after-effects.
This natural formula will avoid any such problems. The ingredients are these: black cohosh, sarsaparilla, ginseng, blessed thistle herb, licorice root, false unicorn root and squaw vine. The average adult will need from one to three capsules of this combination in the morning and again in the evening. More capsules may be taken if desired. This formula will also prove helpful for girls entering puberty, for pregnant women and at the time of menopause.
With severe gynecological problems involving infection, cysts, tumors, the herpes simplex, prolapsed transverse colon, tipped uterus, swollen glands under arms and on breast, yeast infection, etc., the vaginal and rectal bolus may be employed. We suggest using the slant board routine as explained in the booklet Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet (Dr. John R. Christopher, P.O. Box 352, Provo, Utah 84601)
In the prevention and control of reproduction we have always taken a firm stand. "Multiply and replenish the earth" is a statement that we firmly believe has come from Deity. We are sure that our many readers would be disappointed in us if we were to be non-committal about such an important traditional Christian teaching. At the same time, we do not wish to offend any of you by it. It is true that there are certain timing routines which are involved with the menstrual cycle and which may be observed if desired. In other cases, certain herbs have been suggested with the properties of birth prevention, but again, I personally cannot recommend them in my works.
Question 10: What can be done for malignant breast cancer?
Answer 10: There is a small booklet of ours entitled The Incurables (by Dr. John R. Christopher, P.O. Box 352, Provo, Utah, 84601) which addresses itself to such problems. There we describe a program for detoxification and purification of the body. This program has been used successfully by many, many people and now the so-called "incurables" have been cured.
Copyright 2004 Christopher Publications. All Rights Reserved.
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