Re: more info, please
I'm not sure. I'm painting the thyroid...maybe 2 or 3 drops every couple of hours.
Ya see, I'm in the middle of
Amalgam removal at the moment, third visit of 6 scheduled appointments is next Tuesday.
Prior to deciding to do this, I was taking 50mg of Iodoral per day, and getting metal mouth, big time! At the very strong urgence of a good friend (we actually had a heated discussion before I realized he was right, sigh) I decided to have said
Amalgams removed.
The mercury will settle into the thyroid, so it's why I'm painting it. But will go into heavy iodination once I get my 6th appointment done.
I'm actually still "on the fence" about increasing NOW. (I think it's because I forgot to stop taking
Iodine before the last visit, lol, the novacaine wore off during the appointment - yee ouch!)