In a world thats filled with toxins and all the other oppressive influences like cultural genocide' unemployment' malnutrition ,the destruction of the family , war , poverty,and a corrupt press people look for a small escape! in a world where people are filled with toxins by the time they reach school age and all diseases continuosly on the rise and the stress that goes with all this be the cause for those who dont wont or cant fit into a such a pitiful society ! Does pot ruin lives? or does pot fill some lost yearning for a clean peace loving society! I think what we see eveyday on the TV or read on the internet and newspapers whats happened in our nieghborhoods our workplaces and ever growing police state might be part and parcel to those who drop out of this fat rat race for the most stuff! A person smokes a joint and suddenly realizes all this crap that our lives are made to be about is falascious phony and futile! The biggest side affect of pot is the dropping of the veils that oppress and enslave us to a lifetime of serfdom to some corporate despot! Is that why law enfocement has made pot smokers the number one enemy of the rich and greedy! There biggest fear of those in power is for the American people to open thier eyes and noyice the the Emporer wears no close! Grog