Re: Fluoride and bromide
I would like to hear from those doing this along with effects of taking any form of boron, both positive and negative, though I suspect if the general intake is in the double digit mg dosages we will see more positive than negative results.
Thank you for posting this. It is what I was hoping to eventually get to... that and a constructive discussion on boron's usefulness as a possible heavy metal and/or fluoride detoxing agent.
MY goal, stated many times before, and why I am indebted to ML, MH, Humaworm, Andreas, and Ted among others for being able to find/discover as a student of their's, common, everyday, items that can be used not only to maintain health, but also to heal, even in the face of an emergency. In light of CODEX and other pending/possible coming changes, I want to become COMPLETELY independent of "supplements" and stores among other things such as electricity, fuel, and piped in water, and still be able to heal, improve, and maintain my health and the health of others.
That is the reason I find ML, MH, Humaworm, Andreas, and Ted, along with my mom and grandmother so very valuable...