Re: Can you overdose on Iodine?
First off I want to say thank you for all the posts. I have done the salt push and am feeling a bit more stable. I have felt like I was at the end of my rope for awhile now and no one has been able to help me. Some of the symptoms I am having do not make any sense and no one seems to have an answer for them. I would pay money to know why I have an emotional reaction to fruit and fruit juice (I never did before, I have juice fasted with no problem). When I drink or eat fruit, I start crying, get angry, enraged and irrational. Not as bad as with the heavy
Iodine but in the same vain. I thought it was blood
Sugar troubles but half the time I tested my blood
Sugar it was normal when I was flipping out. When I eat protein foods, sometimes I am ok with them, other times I get a hypoglycemic like reaction as if they are not breaking down into glucose correctly. I get woozy, dizzy and emotional. I can not tolerate vegetable juice either - not sure about raw veggies but had a veggie soup that sent me into one of my "fits". I literally have studied health for YEARS and have cleansed and holistically cured more than you can imagine ... but I am totally stumped by this. I feel like my only option is death. I am not trying to be dark but when you can't eat and eating is making you deathly ill, imagine dealing with that several times a day with no one having one idea that works?! My only guess was severe Adrenal Failure/fatigue. Does anyone have any ideas? This group seems so knowledgable and helpful ... maybe you can help save my life? Thanks