Where did you study law? If a substance is patented, it's contents automatically become public information. You can't have a patent and keep the exact chemical composition of the patented material secret. That's the law ,always has been.
What is PEX and what else in in diamond products?Direct composites still shrink which can cause hairline fractures and bacterial contamination .Most dentists say that direct composites last eight to ten years, so if you are twenty and are replacing your childhood fillings, by the time you are forty five your teeth will have been drilled several times and will have increasingly larger fillings and might fracture or have nerve damage from all that drilling and the anesthetics.
I was told by several dentists that I needed many crowns several years ago. The one I crowned is the one that died . I did nothing to the others and they are still fine.Other people I know have had the same experience and this leads me to agree with Dr Jerome that the reason dentists do crowns is because it's the largest revenue source.Why would an artificial tooth be better than the one you were born with? Would artificial arms be better than my own arms?