Yes I have spent a ton of time (like you ;) doing many things. My homeopath did help a great deal and if I lived closer to her I would be using her rife several times a week. But this STUPID heel just wont give up. I don't think its candida any longer. I feel too its toxins.
My homeopath did say I had parasites so here I am. She recommended a product for me but I switched to Humaworm cause i think its much better.
The Diflucan did nothing for my rash's. THe ones that were cropping up on various parts of my body went away within 2 weeks of starting that liver stuff (YAY!) and have stayed away.
to me that spells toxins. This heel tho who knows. Its better by far than it used to be and minor compared to the all over body rash's I used to get so I am thankful.
Maybe its a nest of hookworms or something and humaworm will kick its butt!
glad to hear you are doing well....I may try that coconut oil on my heel. I have tried everything lol!