Re: Supplementary information
Sorry for delayed reply.
I used a Nikon coolpex L11 digital camera to take pictures and videos through microscope. It's easy, set the camera in Micro for close objects. Contact its zoom lens with the eye lens, hold stable. It just happen that the camera can focus in this way and its zoom lens fits in the eye piece edge, otherwise you need an extension tube bw the camera and eye lens. This camera is quite "fool", I mean it's almost totally automatic and you cannot do much manual controls, but it seems not too bad in taking pictures through microscope.
My son gaves more worms these days. I guess he gets continous infection. The longest one I would say it's about 1cm. The shortest one may be 2 to 3 mm. They don't move even immediately out. I observed parents' stools by naked eyes, no gain. Maybe grandparents's stools should be observed as well.
The sadest thing is I picked one bottle of worms for the Como clinic lab for Ova and parasites, they report negative again!!