Re: How many are following Iodine supplementation to T.
Yes to selenium in my case....brazil nuts didn't do it. I finally upped my selenium to 600mcgs/day and the up and down feeling of tiredness went away.
One possibilty with your bowel problems could be heavy metals detoxing via feces and acting on the neurotransmitters in the colon. The colon is loaded ...I mean LOADED with them! Google neurotransmitter and IBS to find lots on the newest theories that IBS is an overreaction of aceytlcholine and serotonin firing the cells into motion. Heavy metals can really mess the signals up.
I have had a horrific time with constipation using
Iodine so I ended up researching this like mad. There is actually a drug to stop aceytlcholine from firing in the colon that based on bromide! So my orginal theory was that
Iodine was acting like bromide....could still be true but I think it's more likely now that mercury detoxing via the colon is the culprit.
I also added in cilantro daily and modiflan (seaweed detox supplement) to pull out more heavy metals. That's seems to slowly be normalizing my colon.
btw...selenium will also bind with heavy metals.
and on may have plenty of copper in your blood but it's unable to make it into the cells. Not a good situation and could be caused by heavy metals blocking it.