Re: 2 Huge Stones!
Hello everyone, this is the first time that I have posted, allthough I have lurked for the past six months. I have done a total of 7 flushes, the first 4 resulted in lots of green stones the size of rice up to the size of small marbles, and lots of chaff. but on the 5th flush I got lots of the same green stones and 3 very large stones about 1
inch long and 3/4 of an
inch in diameter. They were solid green stones and felt quite heavy. I didn't feel any pain, except that I felt them leave my anus. I feal that these large stones can be passed without any pain.
My 6th flush did not yield many, only about 50 or so,but my 7th flush got about 3-4 hundred, the size from green peas to the size of marbles, all green cholestoral stones. I don't know if I got any calcified stones as I am not much into fishing around in my stool. I am feeling much better and will continue to do a
Liver Flush every two weeks until they stop coming. Big Cheese