I did a cleanse last night 1/2 cup of olive oil & 1/2 cup of lemon juice. I didn't eat after 4pm but in the morning nothing happened. I know that I have small Gallbladder Polyps because of sonogram, I've also had nuclear med done and they tell me that for some reason my gallbladder isn't pumping the way it should and that it seems that the ducts to the tube are not filtering the way they should. I would also like to add that I have a fatty liver and I'm recovering from Hepatitis B. The past three days my side has been bothering me and I feel some pain in my back. I'm scared I may doing more damage than good trying to clean out my gallbladder. I'm 28, Hispanic female, no children and I'm really worried. I also suffer from interstitial cystitis. Can someone please help and answer some of my questions...also, I'm supposed to go in to the gastroenterologist to get an MRI w/contrast done. I'm really scared...it hurts. Should I do the cleanse again?